The Most Effective Way To Get Friends And Family To Signup With You
For most people, getting your friends and family (known as your warm market) to join you in your business is an impossible task.
I clearly remember how I was met with rejection in my first attempt to share my new business with those I knew.
I signed up no one in my warm market, in my first attempt, but that all changed later.
Even having some of my warm market become my top producers in my latest company.
So, if you are looking to signup warm market, you need to know what I did that changed their minds and had them coming to me ready to join!
You Only Tell Them Once
You need to approach your warm market only one time in my opinion.
Just to let them know it's there, and you're involved in it.
To increase your odds of getting one or two to join you, you need to do the right approach.
That is, act like you're in a hurry, even if you're not. And simply get them to agree picking up the phone or meeting you at the scheduled time. You do not want to tell them anything about what they are about to see.
If you talk too much, they will get the wrong impression.
So, be sure to let them know you're in a hurry, and get them to agree for a call at the scheduled time.
Have your upline or someone with you on the call if you need to.
The Most Effective Way To Get Warm Market Signed Up
Since most of you did not approach the first attempt the right way, there is still hope.
As a matter of fact, this is exactly what I did to get warm market joining me.
Since they all know you're involved in a business, it's time to move onto cold market.
By using GENEALOGY LEADS or leads you generate, you can signup people much easier.
People who do not know you, are more likely to join you, when they meet you.
So by signing up cold market, you can get the attention of your warm market.
I signed up 24 new reps in 20 days using genealogy leads, and that caused a flood of warm market to join me.
They Want To Join When They See You Get Results
The reason they didn't join you to start with, is because they believe it won;t work for them or for you.
So when they begin seeing you congratulate new people on Facebook for joining, they begin to see it works.
When they see another, and another, and another join....
They begin to second guess their decision.
After I began announcing on Facebook the new people who were jumping into my business, I began having warm market ask if they could do this too.
That's when I discovered the most effective way to get others to join, by simply getting results.
It really starts with using the success of your first signup, to get the second one.
Using genealogy leads, I was able to speak to people who are most open to opportunities.
So, once I began getting paid by my company, and sharing my results on Facebook, my warm market began coming to me asking to join.
So it really is as simple as taking it one step at a time.
Focus on getting your warm market to know you're in business first, then proceed to calling new cold market prospects and not wasting time begging them to change their minds.
Once you begin posting your new signups from cold market online, they will reconsider their decision.
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Also, be sure to share this with anyone on your team who is struggling with warm market.
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