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When the Entrepreneur is ready, The Business will appear

Look here! I have what you need! I do not know what you want, BUT, I have what you need! OK, I will look at yours if you take a serious look at mine. Yes, yours looks good, BUT, MINE is the opportunity of a life time! This is the BEST, Fastest GROWING, Blah, Blah, Blah

Ever notice how everyone else has exactly what you need but it is a real stretch for them to acknowledge what is important to you or even take the time to ask about you and what your needs actually are? Chances are we have all been guilty of that. 

We all have dreams and desires but very few of us have concrete goals. Unfortunately most people do not understand the difference between goals and dreams. Goals are the measurable steps that lead to the accomplishments that produce and deliver the resources to obtain and acquire the dream or desire. Not hard to see the difference here but it is like a simple task on a computer, if you don't know you DON'T know, so you move forward attempting to accomplish your dream or desire without learning and implementing that simple skill of goal setting that will make all of the difference in your outcome.

After years of success in the network marketing industry, I reached a point where life happened and we had to sell the business and settle our differences. I had grown into a fun and exciting lifestyle but found myself in need of an income and most network marketing companies would take some time to develop an income. I elected to go back into the work force and find a job. Unfortunately that year, I went bankrupt, lost my drivers license had no vehicle and no college degree. What I did have was network marketing skills. Personal development got me back on track, listening and learning from people who were where I wanted to be got me motivated, and I knew how to market myself. January of that year was the lowest point of my life in every area. February I interviewed and was given the job. This job paid the largest base salary I had ever dreamed of plus commissions and all corporate benefits. The job required a BS degree, and I had to travel so I needed a drivers license and a vehicle. I had none of these things but I figured it out and worked for that company for the next 8 years earning six figures every year. No bragging here! Just pointing out that every thing I was able to accomplish was a direct result of my education through network marketing! I have since been in executive positions with companies and downsized each time due to changes in the industry. I have been fortunate to have a year off to regroup. Starting over can be tough and stressful. It was imperative that I found a network marketing company that will allow me to continue my lifestyle and develop a business around that. Corporate america or any other job will not allow me the freedom to come and go as I choose. I needed to find an established company at the front end of hyper growth with plans for international expansion. Also a fast start bonus that would cover my daily expenses and a long term residual for dreams, travel and investing. I have found the vehicle that will take me through my life journey  I encourage you to do your due diligence and thoroughly investigate my website. If you see what I see, we will be connecting very soon! Contact me anytime for assistance. (208) 841-3392

Follow your dreams! Set your goals! Read daily! And always be TRUE to YOU!

Dan Harlan

This article was published on 15.04.2017 by Dan Harlan
Author's business opportunity:

Direct Cellars - Wine, 500 USD to join

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