Surpelife campany business
My name Celia Filimone., I'm from Mozambique, but i. Correctly in South Africa, I do hair for a leaving, as we all know, during this covid19 my business was not doing well, so o decided to join superlife campany business last yes In may, which so far I'm happy with the campany, I manage to make 17,000 during this covid19, it else impressed me with their products that's helps people to recover their lives back, we correctly have 4 products in the country, we see people getting back their lifes back with surpelife products, it makes all the members happy with the results of the products, stc30 is the mostly powerful product with potential of over 134 disease, I'm much happier now that I made good decisions by joining surpelife campany, I love their compensatio, now I'm able to help my family with the expenses and pay the school fees for my kids, I was never network marketer before, but I believe that if you are willing to learn more skills, you can always learn if you give it a try
*How to join Superlife:*
You choose a package and complete a registration form *(no registration fee, buy your package and you are in)*
*How much??*
To become a SuperLife member or Distributor you choose one of the following packages:
1. *STARTER* registration is *$70* (one box)
2. *STAR* registration is *$130* (two boxes)
3. *SUPREME* registration is *$510* (eight boxes)
4. *SUPER* registration is *$1260* (twenty boxes)
NB: A box of STC30 has 15 satchets.
Members may sell STC30 to non-members at a retail price of up to *$100 USD*
All prices are in *United States Dollars*
*The higher the package the bigger the bonuses you earn in Superlife*
Contact *+27627904503* if you want to join Superlife
*How to join Superlife:*
The campany started in 2017 , the campany is originated from Malaysia. Products produced in Switzerland partnered with mibelle biochemIstry,
To improve wealth and well being, of the nation thought the deliver, of sientifically tested and clinical approven products,
Founded by 4 gentleman from Malaysia.
Thanks bye
Enjoy your
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