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The Power Of Dress See How You Can Change You Life With This

The power of dressing well is more powerful than you think. You would be amazed what you get and how you are treated if you are dress up.

When I was in High School the students push to wear jeans and shorts. When they got their way everything got out of control. The teachers could not teach because the students were in control. Then they wanted talking study halls, a jute box, a candy and coffee machine. I was glad to leave because you could not learn and it all started by the change of the dress code. In private schools they made the boys wear shirts and ties and the girls in uniforms and you have discipline and respect for the teachers and the children can learn. Which show the power of dress!

This next story was so powerful they had an hour long program on TV.

There was a school that was run down the children all came from very poor families. The children were not learning. So they fix up the school and gave each child their clothes to wear. The girls wore white dresses and white blouses and the boys white shirts and ties. The children felt good , the school was kept neat and tidy and the children were learning and getting straight A’s They all started talking about doing big things with their lives and making something of themselves. What turned everything around was the dress code. They all were working hard and  not staying on in the poverty they were living in

In school I was treated by the teachers with more respect than the students wearing jeans by my teachers. To prove a point I went in three times dress in jeans and sneakers, to observe my teachers. Those three days I was not treated with the respect I was when I was dress up.

I have receive many things simply because I was dress up

I have spoken in seminars in a business suit. People have come back to me remembering what I said using it, and commented on how I was dress. I have change many lives around I would never had if I said it in jeans

I had a Father with Huntington’s disease who fought the disease for over 42 years. Because he was always dress up he got things without asking for them and was treated with respect.

There is an old saying you act the way you dress. He never acted as sick as he was because he was dress up.

When my Father and I went to the airport, my Father and I were wearing a white dress shirt and a navy blue blazer because we shook they said because of the way your dress we will but you in first class and did not have to pay for the upgrade.

When my Father and I went to the theater and the seats we purchase they could not allow us to you they said since you are dress up we will put you in box seats

When my Father ended up in a nursing home I never walked in the home without being dress up. I meant business. They always commented on how I dress. I got things I was told I could not get which made the difference on my Father’s care and extended his life because I was dress up.

I took my Father out each Sunday. The nurses wanted to be lazy and keep him in sweat shirt and pants. I bought in a white turtle neck, dress slacks, and navy blue blazer. I said you feel good when you are dress up, you act the way you dress. My Father was in a big reclining wheel chair. Because he was dress up he did not look as sick as he was. People came up to him and spoke to him. If he were in sweat shirt and pants they would have never come up to him. People came up and said to him “You were something in your hay day.” Because of the way he was dress He did not act sick, because he was dress up. He did things and enjoyed them even more because he was dress up. If also help because I was dress up too.

I personally when I wear a tie I wear a white shirt with a tab collar, the tab collar has a snap that brings to two collars together and makes the knot of the tie look neater. I receive more comments and receive more things without even asking. I have people tell me I look like a celebrity.

Think about it when Lee Iacocca took over Chrysler and was on TV ads people talk about the clip he had clip on to each collar that brought the collars together to make his tie not neater. That clip sold millions and people talk more about his dress which in return sold Chryslers and he turned Chrysler into a profitable company and paid off the company’s federal loan and made the company profitable again. See what dress can do.

So dressing up with designer jewelry, shoes, handbags for the women and shoes and men’s jewelry like watches and men’s shoes and belts only to name a few can become expensive.

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This article was published on 24.07.2016 by Brian Lanza
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Katia Escalera Hi Brian, I loved your story. Thanks for sharing!!  8 years ago

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