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What do you look for in a network marketing company & why I picked Valentus

I havent seen so many new ground floor opportunities in my life as I have over the past few months.

Lets look past all the hype & clickbait and get into what you should be looking for in 2020 as people are seeking a new way to create an income, stability & a safety net to fall back on because... we all know anything can happen.

1. Compensation Plan - Make sure youre getting paid equally for recruiting & selling as we all have different strong & weak points. I personally #SUCK at sales, where as most people dont think they can build a large organization.

2. Company Longevity - DO YOUR RESEARCH! Since there are so many new companies popping up you need to ask questions! I personally would never join a new shiny object because Ive been burned so bad by ground floor opportunities in the past. 90% of new companies dont make it past their first 5 years. If youre a risk taker, then go for it! But if you want to build long term residual income & want it to last a LONG time, consider a company that is stable & has already gone through the first stage of growth & momentum.

(Missing products, crazy shipping delays, no customer service help, being FDA & Canada Health Approved, having multiple changes in compensation plan & product formulas, to name a few, are things you need to ask before handing over your credit card.)

3. Community, culture, training & leadership - Sure your products could be amazing & your compensation plan could be out of this world but without these 4 things (unless youre willing to create it yourself) you have nothing.

Are you going to be loved on, supported, appreciated & recognized 100% of the way even if you arent a heavy recruiter or massive producer?

Is there proper training and a proven system already in place that is proven to work?

Happy NM fishing & I hope all your dreams come true with whatever company you decide is your forever home

Why did I join Valentus?

It's because I fell in love with their products!

My life has changed so much in the last 7 months I have trouble finding the words.

For years I have had yes I said HAD chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, central sensitization and IBS. It wasn't until I found this company and started faithfully using their products that my health started to improve and now all my symptoms are in remission.

Now 7 months later I want to share what this company has done for me.

1) I was able to stop buying $600 plus in medications every month.

2) The products are incredible! All natural and gluten free!

3) The Comp plan

69% retail

25% website

1/2 your team built for you

Fast start bonus

Binary bonus

Legacy bonus

Car bonus

4) I found a family

Our team is amazing

All the support and training you can ask for

5) We are a global company with a $20 join fee

6) This is the most important I found myself again and got my life back.

If you are looking for something different.

If you are looking for something that is not saturated.

If you are looking to get into the health, wellness and weight loss industry.

If you are looking for something with stability, no formula or comp plan changes.

If you are ready to start something life changing!

I would love to chat with you!

This article was published on 27.05.2020 by Erica Dunn
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