How to Get Quality Network Marketing Leads Daily Doing This...
"Leads Prosperity Leads to Prosperity" - Rob Fore
I absolutely love Rob Fore. He is one of my favorite MLM leaders. Years ago he was diagnosed with cancer and was on his death bed. He then chose to do online MLM, so his family wouldn't be poverty stricken in his absence. Well, he overcame & he did it with SEO (his main Marketing method. He's known as the king of Network Marketing SEO).
I promised a tactical post this time, so I'm not gonna go too deep in mindset stuff on this announcement.
There are really only a few good ways to get quality MLM leads.
- Prospecting
- PPC Advertising (Such as Facebook, YouTube, & Google Ads)
- Content Marketing
- Email & Fixed Cost Advertising (Such as banners)
In this post I'm going to discuss content Marketing.
So what is content Marketing & how does it get you Network Marketing Leads?
Simply put content Marketing is a strategy of creating and promoting relevant education that teaches your prospect either how your product or service works or gives them tips on how to solve the problem your product/service solves.
Simply put its about offering a useful solution in order to drive awareness, conversion, & consumption of your product/service.
When you're doing content Marketing it usually boils down to three types.
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MLM Gateway, etc)
- Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc)
- Video (YouTube, dTube, etc)
Before you can be an effective content Marketer you have to understand the general overview of "the marketing funnel"
It breaks down like this:
- Top of the funnel
- Middle of the funnel
- Bottom of the funnel
Content placed at the top of the funnel (TOFU) is to drive traffic and awareness. And example of this is a blog post, article, or YouTube video.
Content at MOFU drives conversion. This can be an email newsletter, sales video or webinar, or can even be again a YouTube video or podcast. This kind of content builds relationship.
Content at BOFU drives consumption & creates duplication. This is content such as team training, customer content, or company convention.
There is a saying some networkers use called "Be the messenger not the message," and while I do appreciate what they are saying to create a "duplicatable" system (spell check says that's not a real word... Thanks MLM
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