Generate leads with a done for you mobile marketing platform.
You have a business opportunity? That is amazing, you are one step closer to a very successful life! But is it really a step closer? When you sign-up on a new business opportunity, you were told to recruit your family and friends. You know how that feels like, you either get them to sign up or you are considered "the MLM guy". But how can you really grow your business without recruiting others? Let's face it - you want your recruits to be hungry and eager. You want a platform that will find you the hungry and eager opportunity seekers and to build a successful team. I don't know about you but I believe in working smart.
I have a system that is automated, generate leads , and utilizes the power of mobile marketing. And the best part is, this only going to cost you $30.00
Here is how the system works.
1.) Get phone leads to market your business opportunity.
You will get access to leads where you can market your business opportunity. They are phone numbers, and I don't know about you but I check my phone more than I check my emails.
2.) You will get your own virtual phone number for every business opportunity you have
I know that a lot of us have a side hustle. This will help you organize your sales funnel and promote multiple business opportunity.
3.) Automated text replies and 24/7 voicemail system
This will help you convert your prospects into a warm lead by informing them about your business opportunity in real time. Think about it as your very own "text swipe", you can inform them about your products and services 24/7. Just imagine how would that benefit your business. They can also call and leave you a message with a 24/7 voicemail system.
4.) Ring-less voicemail to help you pre-qualify your prospects and don't wast your time
You can send a ring-less voicemail with a call to action function. How does this work? For example you activated a ring-less voicemail to 5,000 phone numbers, if they press "1" it means that they are interested to your opportunity and wants to learn more. Just imagine how much time you're going to save and how much prospect you are going to recruit. You are only going to call back the people who pressed 1. No more wasting time to call your prospects who are not interested.
Just imagine how would this benefit you and help you focus on doing what you really love. If you are interested in this system then click >>> Generate leads with a done for you mobile marketing platform
If you have any questions, just send me a message