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The Journey Begins

I am not where I want to be in life but I'm not where I use to be! One of the principles that helped me start getting better is when I was taught that I cannot change things outside of myself that I cannot control. So I learned to accept certain things as they are, and that nothing is going to change for the better until I do everything in my own strength to become better on the inside! Once I started to make myself the best that I can be, mainly by focusing on personal development programs and holistic healing therapy every day, everything started getting better daily and I was able to network with people! Thats right, every day for more than 5 years now I have been plugging away at making myself better spiritually, intellectually, and physically! So, if you don't know what to do with yourself, drifting through life with no purpose like I was, getting tossed around by the waves of life like a cork floating on top of the sea with no direction, start taking advantage of the helpful advice and strategies that are shared in these developmental programs such as, "The Strangest Secret," "Think And Grow Rich, " "See You At The Top," and "The Magic Of Believing." These books are a good starting point, then you can get more recommendations from there and be guided toward a brand-new way of life with more opportunity and favor for you and everyone around you! If you don't have any direction in your life everything will stay the same, you must be striving to reach your goal every day for a better future for you and your family. Important side note think about what day of the week it is and only about the things you must do for that day only, it makes you feel better. Especially if you write what you have to do on a calendar and keep up with your to do list and grocery list in the notes on your iPhone or just write it on a note pad, I like to use the notes on my iPhone! Don't think about the rest of the weeks activities because youre not there yet! You know those activities will get done when the time comes because it's all saved on your calendar and to do list! Okay now back to the more than 5 years making myself better, particularly in the spiritual area by going to church and studying the Bible, intellectually by studying personal development leaders from around the world, reading their material daily and listening to positive audios, continually practicing what they teach, and physically by working out my body at the gym! I use to run around my neighborhood and lift weights at home but I like the gym machines better! It's not easy but it does get easier by doing positive affirmations and building good habits! The best news is that anyone can make their self-better in all areas of their life by following a few simple daily activities. Basically, once you start doing all that stuff, eventually it will start emulating through you into the world, making the world better for everyone and that's the best thing you can do for the world, you can save the world! Remember, there is no better time than right now to do something that will make you better and it's never too late to make yourself better too! Today I know that what I surround myself with and absorb in my mind is projected from me to you! What are you surrounding and absorbing yourself with? Does it make sense? Is it in line with your short term and long-term goals? Key notes are that, "you will only be as successful as your 5 closest associates, 5 to 10 years from now!" "Choose your associates wisely." "If you want to associate with more interesting people, you have to become a more interesting person!" "Choose what you program into your mind wisely!" Stay Successful! World Peace!

This article was published on 19.06.2020 by Juan Michael
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