Becoming an Entrepreneur
My reason
Now that I am 68 years old and have raised my family, I find that I have finished what I had set out to do and hadn't planned any further. Furthermore, I can't make a bucket list and go do things I would like to do, because I couldn't afford it. How many are in this situation? Quite a few I bet. So, now I want to reinvent myself and begin another life phase building on all my previous experience. I need a new plan.
A 2nd reason for doing this is to help other people who are having the same difficulties that I am. Frankly, most of my friends or the people I communicate with are online. Being online has changed my perspective on so many things I can't even begin to tell about it. So perhaps the idea here is to lead by example, online of course.
The 3rd reason that I am doing this is to collaborate with my best friend and daughter. We decided that we needed a solution to our problem and have finally come up with a plan. She has already begun and I am following her example. She is already an inspiration and a leader to many in her field and circle of influence. She has begun a series which is really very good and if you would like to jump in and see what that is, I will give you the link right here. brandingforfreedom
Online business
In this phase of my life, I want to do things on my terms and I know that I do not want a boss. I have lived as an expat in Bolivia, South America, since 1982. I was early to get on computer here, simply because it was the best way to communicate with family and news from the US.
I have tried several mlm companies in the past, which I will chalk up to learning experience. Here is a new one I and my daughter have decided to invest in because it is easy to do, low to practically no risk, free sign up, low to moderate investment and hopefully will not require a lot of time. There is an affiliate link that I will give you later and I will begin working on promoting soon.
I should add that we also invested in an awesome tool that is going to make it a lot easier. If you want to keep your sanity, you need an autoresponder that is user friendly and will optimize your work. Try it now and get a $30 credit. GetResponse
Becoming an Entrepreneur
Alright, I admit this is the sticky part, at least for me. This is where I need to learn how to run a business, and this is where I need to be the expert. I dabbled around here and there, trying this product and the other and found out that I am a terrible salesperson.
Well, here is the rub. An entrepreneur is not a sales person and doesn't really have to sell a product, but rather is marketing himself as a knowledgeable person or connoisseur. Since I want to help others do this, I need to make myself visible to others so that I can lead by example.
In my previous life phase, I never wanted to be a leader, because I don't like to tell others what to do. However, if I show you what I am doing and if you think that might work for you, then you can copy what I do. I want to invite you to come along and join me on my new road to becoming and online entrepreneur.So if you would like, please friend me here on mlmgateway or on Facebook at kathleenesc and perhaps we can collaborate. I’d love to connect.
Cheers, Kathleen Escalera
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