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I have know for a long long time that residual, or passive income was the only way I would or could ever make really BIG money. I didn't go to school to get that degree that would pay a 6 figure income and working the jobs I was qualified for was NEVER going to get me there. 

Thirty years ago I was introduced to the world of MLM and a fire was lit!! The possibilities were exciting, the earning potential?..... staggering,..... the products?....out of this world!!!!  My very first business was a company from Australia called Pro Ma. I remember leaving that meeting with the knowledge this was going to be a household name in a few short years. Sound familiar yet?....keep reading...

I have a lot of history  and boy oh boy could I fill up my 400 words quick covering the last 30 years but I'm not that entertaining a story teller so I will hit the highlights, or low lights as it turns out.

 Multi-Level Marketing is NOT for the faint of heart. How many times can one person be told no, no thank-you, no way, never, go away, and I love this one... "oh my god here she comes, what is she selling this time" in their life, before they get it through their thick head MLM is not for me?! Apparently over hundreds of times, during the course of trying 20 different companies. That's read that right...TWENTY... at least

Just for fun a couple of years ago I made a list..I promise you I tried every single one. Pro Ma, Diet Cookies, Blue Green Algea, Immune 26, Skinny Fiber, Faster Solutions, Excel, Tip Toes and Tattoos, Sunset Gourmet, Chain Chicks, Awareness Life (which later became Pure Trim so its really just one) Empower, Momentis, Karatbars, Valentus. Basic Reset, Pet Protector, Stiforp, Pruvit, SBC (also known as Skinny Fiber, slow learner), Wor(l)d (Helo). 

TOTAL DISCLAIMER HERE: (and I truly mean it I still use lots of the products as they are amazing!! Hey I always picked great companies!!!!)

These are great companies, I am absolutely not bashing these companies at all!!!!!! What took me so long to discover was ME!!!!!! 

I am the worst recruiter out there and an even less than stellar saleswoman!!! And THAT is what you need to be to be able to earn the kind of income I wanted to earn. Tell me if I am wrong........or that you disagree with this statement:

"In order to make REALLY big money in the mlm industry, you must recruit a large team, that stays with you, and they must recruit a large team, and ALL of the members of your collective teams must buy tons of products on a consistent and on going basis. "

Whew, there you have it ..... my you know why I am looking for others who share the same story. We disgruntled mlm'ers are out there. I want to find you. I do have the solution and I have spent so much time explaining the problem I am not going to go on and on about the solution.  HOWEVER... I do have one. It is called kulaBrands. It is a brand new business model. We are 3 years old on February 28th (Happy birthday to us!!) We have proven it works. In a nutshell this is what we do...... We work with inventors to help them get their products into the market place in exchange for royalties on that product for the life of that product. We are similar (but way nicer) to Dragon's Den and Shark Tank. 

We work together as a community, all our efforts benefit all the other members of the community. By performing small one time actions you can get paid royalties for life.  No recruiting, no down lines, no quotas, no bv, cv, no monthly qualifying, no competition, it is the ultimate no brainer!!

So...there you have it. Anyone can do this. You know what? take a look, if its not for you that's ok, if you share my story, lets talk!! 

Here is the link that will take you to the short video that will give you a better idea of what we do.

This article was published on 21.02.2019 by Carolyn Smith
Author's business opportunity:

kulaBrands - Launching, Branding, 249 USD to join

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