I am not looking to recruit, just looking for some advice.
Thank you for taking the time to read my announcement. I apologize if I seem like I am rambling in parts, this is my first time doing anything like this.
Hi. My name is Ashleigh. I am not looking to recruit or looking for sell you anything. I am only looking for some advice and/or some feedback.
I recently started with a company in the hopes to provide for my daughter. If I'm honest, it wasn't my first choice, but my daughter is very young, I am a single parent and my options weren't looking good. So, I thought, why not? It can't hurt to try.
I created a Facebook group and an Instagram but I have been struggling to attract customers, and so have not managed to make any sales. Which I'm sure you know can sometimes be very frustrating. I am in the process of making a brand new, more professional page linked with Instagram but I hadn't planned on launching it until I had a bit more revenue.
I am not the best sales person, but I do try my hardest. I saw this as an opportunity to make life a little easier for my daughter and it can be disheartening to see that I am, in fact, not doing as well as some of the other new members in the company.
Now, I am not looking to join anyone in an opportunity, or reaching out in an attempt to make myself feel better. That is not the kind of person I am nor do I want to be.
All I am really asking is that someone, who has been doing this a while, comes and takes a look and maybe offer some advice on what I could be doing wrong. I would really appreciate it. I would even welcome criticism if it meant I am able to understand what I could be doing better. I believe in the company, and I am glad to be a part of it, but am at a loss on how to proceed.
My links are:
If you decide this isn't something you can help with, I thank you for making it all the way through to the end.
If you are able to help, I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.