Avon Journey
Hi I'M Leslie Hulbert, Thank you for your intrest in Avon. I'm here to help you with any questions or information that you may have for your Avon Journey. I will be with you every step of your Journey to support, train, & cheer you on and to Motivate you to build you Empire.
What's in it for you:
Every represneative enjoys no minimum order or sales quota, no inventory to purchase or party kit to buy. You will recieve a free Estore with no monthy fees and other state of the are on line tools to grow your business. We now have 3 Business Supply kits to choose from they are $100.00, $50.00 or $25.00 supply kits.
How much you can earn:
You can earn up to 40% on all your products that you sell. Commissions start at 20% at $1.00 order. However the more you sell the more you earn. Here is how it works, we go around every two weeks with our brochures and collect orders with full payment. At that time you would submitt your orders with payment at wholesale cost of the products.
To be eligible to join Avon:
You do need to have some cridentials in order to succeed. Minnimum cridentials include: you must be over 18, drivers licence, telephone, checking account, debit card with your name on it, and internet access.
Sign up now:
at lhulbert.avonrepresenative.com and go to Sell Avon.
So have a beautiful Avon Day,
Leslie Hulbert
Silver Abasador
Building my Empire by Lipsticks, Smiles, Laughs, and loving my family, customers, and Reps by inspirieing their Dreams.
Avon's Motto:
This is the company that puts mascara on lashes, and food on the tables, tat fights wrinles with on hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lips, but sitill opens it mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and for womens finincial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors but also opens them. The comapny that supports 6 million Represneatives in over a 100 countries. This Avon. The company that for 130 years, has stood for Beauty innovation, optimisim and avoe all for Women.
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