Be your age, but look SO much younger!
What would it be like if as you're growing older you truly didn't have to worry about looking your age?
Would that excite you?
It has excited me because I just turned 56 and felt like I still looked much younger...but I was starting to really notice those "age" lines on my forehead, around my lips and mouth, around my eyes, and on my neck! ICK!
As a woman, it seems like us women have to "try" and keep looking a bit younger as we age, unlike men who can look "distinguished" as they grow older. BUT...the funny thing is? Men want to diminish those signs of aging too!
We all do...why?
Because we like feeling as though when we look in the mirror, we still look as young as we feel inside!
Did you know that during the last three months of 2019, over 1.6 MILLION Americans spent over $500 on skin care products alone? It's pretty crazy with all the skin care, anti-aging, "fountain of youth" products out there today...easy to be confused as to what to use...right?
And the truth is, many of those products aren't all necessarily good for your skin...or even help to diminish the signs of aging - like wrinkles, fine lines, and those forehead "goal post" lines that make you look older. Sure, they ARE all signs of "wisdom" and experience, but they aren't really that pretty to look at. And the other chemicals that might be in many of those products? YUCK! AND...they're usually pretty expensive! No thanks!!
What if there was a product line that was truly all natural, vegan, and made in the USA by a company with a zero carbon footprint, which is backed by clinical trials that show it really works?'s not expensive!! Wouldn't that be amazeballs?
Well, there IS such a company that makes an amazing skin and body care line of products that does exactly what it says it can do: from repairing collagen, reducing fine lines and deep wrinkles, regulating Melanin, reducing hyperpigmentation, relieving Eczema, calming Psoriasis, reversing Rosacea, treating and preventing Acne, to being an Anti-Microbial (so good for the skin!), Anti-Viral, and Anti-Fungal set of products...and so much more!
I didn't think I'd care as I started getting a bit older and beginning to "show" my age...but I do. I don't want to be younger...I like my age and the experiences I've had that lead me to be who I am today. IS always nice to look in the mirror and still see that "younger" face staring back at me! That face of my youth who still believed that anything is possible and life is mine for the creating.
And the truth is?
I STILL feel that way!
Now my skin just kinda matches that younger me a bit more and I think she's much cooler to look at every day! don't have to let your past experiences define you and rob you of that youthful you who thought the world was yours for the still is, no matter your age. Now you're just maybe thinking a little more about how to make that face looking back at you in the mirror every day match what you still know is truth in your heart...your age may be a bit older, but your mind is probably still believing that the world is your playground and you get to decide how to play in it!
So BE YOU, follow your heart and check out this crazy amazing line of products that can really help you recapture the face of your younger years -
And if ya have any questions, reach out to me and let me know: and fill out the contact form or just connect with me here! :)
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