WELLS 678-858-9575
e-mail abwellsfamily@gmail.com http://www.abwells.biz(video)
my website is http://www.mrabwells.com may all
praises be to god ! I got a secret...
I survived 2 strokes and a heart attack ! Why do i
share this with you ? Because i want you to know that i know what i am
talking about,from experiences. I have a good god and i have a good
product. The good lord knows , that my health conditions did not appear
over nite.in fact, i was once considered a superb athlete through out high
school and college.
So i will give you just the facts
and you decide what actions you will take.i am a 68 year old male and i now
feel younger ,stronger,and more energetic mentally and physically.i have been
on the product for less than 60 days. I did not realize that i had so many bad
health conditions that i am now thanking god for finding this
product.these conditions kinda grew slowly upon me and i did not notice
until now.if you do not believe all of these were upon me . It is alright i
would not believe it either. My conditions included high blood
pressure,diabetes,lack of energy,stress ,poor hearing,poor eyesite
,headaches,muscle pain ,arthritis pain, fatigue, memory
decline,gout,high cholesterol,lack of concentration mental alertness , sleep
deprivation ,neuropathy and more. My point is, this product was not designed to
repair every thing at the same time but it works on everything at the same time
resulting in solutions for problems that you do not even know that you
have.this truly is a gift from god.a product that will do every thing that it
says it will do and more...unbelievable !!! My cardiologist and my
primary doctor ,both on the staff of the world renowned university
of alabama,birmingham gave me an excellent report dec 13 20016 respectively
dr.fonbah (cardiologist) and dr jerry mclane (primary doctor) pres of
doctors medical services . The u.s. congress approved and funded a 23 million
dollar research program to ask the question "is it possible to protect the
body from the inside out" ? The answer is yes we can with the right
combination of the right micronutrients . .we repair and replenish the cells in
your body from the dna level absolutely no other company or product on earth
can make that claim ...with 7 (seven) u.s. patents to prove and document
it. We are revolutionizing what we thought we new about creating and
restoring good health.now,it is all about the cell and the dna level.we are
making history by truly helping people to live longer on their terms.while
using this new found knowledge to create true residual income.will you help you
by joining us so that we can help others ? To see why watch this 10 minute
video www.abwells.biz to see how, go to my website
www.mrabwells.com thank you very much for allowing me to
share my heart with you .and may your day be as pleasant as you have made
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