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Build your business with Bing PPC ads & Phone/Text messages

Bing PPC Ads and my best Phone/Text message marketing source

These methods are the easiest cost-effective marketing methods by far. Solo ads are expensive and a BIG gamble. Emails rarely get opened or end up in spam folders. You need a big list or lifetime memberships on dozens of safelists.  With SMS and PPC you get connected with people that are searching  for what you are offering. These people are interested in a residual or full time income online & offline. The SMS system only calls business opportunity seekers. With my source you can call 200 daily for only $39.95 monthly. No more cold calling because it's automated hands-free marketing. The system auto-texts your prospect your link as a follow up measure after the first auto-call. 

Recently I paid $25 to Microsoft Ads with a coupon that gave me an additional $125 in free advertising after my $25 was spent. I only got three leads and one of those did not have a phone number for $25 - not good. I thought I got ripped off. However, I had not been able to get in touch with the last lead, so I tried one last phone call after two weeks. This person joined and sponsored three more people. Then my ad kept running because of the $125 in free money. A few weeks later, one person joined my downline without ever talking to me. Then I sponsored another person from my ad. All three people that I sponsored had a lot of network marketing experience. I still have $62 left to spend!  So it may not seem to be going well at first, but give it time and you will succeed. I now have a few dozen people in my downline, 9 of the are from pay per click. Further, with this method, you do not have to call a lot of people, so that is another advantage. I have been averaging  several highly targeted leads a daily with both systems. A disadvantage is that they may leave a good phone number, but never pick-up their phone, which is frustrating. Continue to politely email and text them if you can.  Another advantage is that Microsoft Ads will help you on the phone to set up your ad (here is the number 877-635-3561). To find the $125 coupon, just type these words into Google and it will pop right up, “adzooma microsoft ads coupon”.

You have to create three headlines and then about three sub-headlines. I only used three key words or phrases, which were: mlm, network marketing and MLM companies. In addition, I asked the customer service person at Microsoft Ads to help me target only desktop computers, which she did. I figured people could read and understand the website better on a desktop than on a phone. I set my cost-per-click to one dollar, but they only charged me .75 cents per click. I did this because there is a lot of competition and you want to get your ad on the first page of a keyword search. Finally, use the broad match option, not the phrase match or exact match. I tried using those other options and I did not get any leads. The broad match option puts your ad in front of people searching for similar keywords as MLM or network marketing. As a side note, you should deposit $26 or $27 so you can spend through the $25 with your clicks, otherwise you may spend only $24.50 and not have enough money for the last click which cost .75 cents. Then Microsoft Ads says there is nothing they can do to activate your coupon until you spend $25.

MY #1 company that I promote is here:

My $10 (one time) text messaging marketing source is here below. (This is an afilliate program that you can share with your downines for growth and residual income).

Lawrence H Theus Jr/team/leader/Lady Luck Downlines network support team (609)992-4350

This article was published on 19.04.2022 by Lawrence H Theus Jr
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Savings Highway Global - savings discounts, 20 USD to join

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