Looking for Travel Business Owners.
I am looking for part-time or full-time travel agents. You will be trained. You must be willing to work hard and earn your way to residual income. My contact information is 404-974-8844. I prefer text first and please leave your name. It is $200 to get started. You will own two businesses. One as a marketing rep and the other as a travel agent. You can also travel with discounts after completing certifications. After the initial $200 fee, there is a $60 monthly fee to OWN 2 BUSINESSES!!!!!! Also you can friend me on Facebook at Clinton Walker. My personal website is clintwalker.inteletravel.com. This is a chance for you all to build a legacy for generations to come within your family. When you pass away, your family will continue to receive your monthly payments. We are in a time where multiple streams of income are necessary. We are in a pandemic and people are still traveling. Do not wait until after everything opens up to decide and join this team. If you decide to become a travel business owner and promise to work hard, I promise you will reap the benefits. I've had a discount from being a travel agent to where I was able to travel to Jamaica for $99 per person. This business offers great deals that will blow you away. You just have to remain coachable and be willing to listen to the leaders within the company. There are weekly webinars held where leaders can answer any questions you may have and help you to become successful. This opportunity is all about helping yourself and helping others achieve financial freedom. Do what it takes to make sure you and your family are financial stable for generations to come and leave a legacy behind. You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone to get where you want in life. We are having a team retreat in Jamaica next year and having our annual national convention in Orlando, Florida this upcoming September. At this event, you can meet some of the top income earners in this business within an 8 trillion dollar company. We have sold over 40 million dollars in travel over the past 3 months. And yes this is during a pandemic. That should make you wonder what kind of money are missing out on. Whoever views this announcement, I hope you decide to join this team. There is lots of money to be made in this company. Let your family and friends know about this opportunity. This is in no way a scam. This is an opportunity to build a legacy for others. Do what it takes to get you and your family to financial freedom. Your desired dream is waiting on the other side of the tunnel. My contact information is at the beginning of this announcement and my personal website is within. I hope yoy
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