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Hello everyone, my name is Shauntell. I am a home-based full-service travel agent and the owner of my very own company and I am only 20 years old. As a full-service travel agent, you book anything from cruises and flights to concerts and sports tickets. We work directly with the top travel suppliers and we offer specializations in all areas. We work directly with Disney, Carnival and many other suppliers and within each of them, we can become a specialist in that area. This job is meant for anybody wanting to make good money at home and being able to travel as much as their heart desires. With being a travel agent comes great perks we receive great deals on everything and we can also give our clients great deals as well. This job is commission based and we each make 80% of whatever sales we make. We also have a referral program that gifts you a residual amount monthly depending on the number of recruits you have. Residual income is money that is coming to you regardless of how little or how much you work. I love this job because I get to help people everyday live their best lives and I also get to as well. I can be anywhere in the world and still be able to make money and receive great offers all at once.
I would like to give you some information about myself. I began this transition to the travel agency field from healthcare so I was going into this knowing nothing and it is absolutely amazing. I was skeptical at first because I had no experience in a field other than healthcare so I thought I would be denied automatically, but this job is nothing like that. We love to build each other we share information all the time with each other. We offer helpful tips for those who are new. We encourage one another and only have positive remarks, we are a negative free workspace. If you are scared to try something new do it because it pays off big in the long run. I would recommend this job to everyone wanting to make good money and be stress-free and relaxed all at once. I would love for you to join our team and get to experience everything we do.
I would like to give you both my email and my Facebook business page
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Thank you for allowing me this opportunity and I hope to see you on my team soon.
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