My Name is James Nguta Mwaizinga from Malindi Kenya. Am a network marketer, Trainer, Leader and a Team Builder.
Before starting a career in Network Marketing Profession
I was a struggling I.T employed person, Worked for 11yrs since 2005 in the profession hoping that I will be able to live the life I wanted,
I was always behind my bills
Unable to support my family and siblings bcoz my salary could not support me even for a full month
I was always in debt.
People never believed that I can be broke.. they believed anyone working as a computer expert is paid good money. I was a frustrated married man.
I had this fear of looking for a better pasture , thinking of job scarcity in our country I feared not to make a mistake quiting a job and start looking for one (Call it comfort zone). This made me stay put at a Job for 11 good yrs.
One day I asked myself when will I be paid a salary that will address or pay all Bill's and buy what I wanted? If for 11 years my salary increased only 3 times and still did exceed 19000. This means I will turn 50yrs with a salary not exceeding 50k
I looked at my salary, my life, my family's future and asked myself if I continue pretending and lying to myself that am employed earning a monthly salary then i will be missing the point to achieve more in life.
This is the time I did the best thing everybody knows about when salary is not enough - I started conventional businesses two times part time but they all failed me.
One day I recieved an sms inviting me to a business opportunity.... and when I attended I found out that its a business concept that I never heard of... NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS MODEL.
The business concept made alot of sence to me and the presenter asked for a registration amount which I didnt have. I promised to join.
Being an IT person I started learning more about network marketing profession online and I totally fell in love with that profession, I made my mind that this is the business I will persue.
In 2015 I started this business with the company I am in now.. Guess what just one year of my commitment to this company and building my Empire I retired from IT job June 2016.
I did that not bcoz I started earning huge money no but bcoz I was able to clear and catch up with my Bill's, was able to place a decent meal on the table. and also I was happy of the opportunity because it was paying me of my hardwork. I have my time FREEDOM... I might have not reached where I want financially but I can assure you that my family future is very bright.
What I love most about my company is the opportunity it has given me to change other peoples lives, building a legacy is one best thing..
Ladiea and Gentlementt ,
The time to start building a strong foundation for the future of your children is now.. The key to your financial success is building a pipeline that will bring income to your pocket 24/7, 365 days and network marketing business is just that pipeline.
It's high Time for average person to do things in new way.
Check out the opportunity below.. It has changed me alot.
Just Click straight away the link below video link with a business concept with wow product .
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