Becoming financially free...
Hello fellow marketers,
My name is Darlene Thomas and I am here to help you learn about what to do to get your money to work for you. Most of us put our money in the bank in hopes of earning some good interest of return. That has not been the case for me and then to top it all off taking your money out will cost you. Do you have a college fund set up for your children? Do you have enough money set aside for your retirement? Retirement, now that's a big deal wouldn't you say??? But how many of us are actually financially prepared for that big day? How many of us have watched our parents and grand parents work until they just physically couldn't do it any longer? Join me in learning how you can make a difference in not only your life but the life of your children and the rest of your family.
You will learn where to put your money to get the best return. You will learn the best financial services for you and what you want to achieve. In which category do you save your money....Tax Now, Tax Later or Tax Advantaged??? You can learn how to manage these accounts. Do you know the difference between Term, Whole Life, Universal Life, Variable Life and Index Life Insurance policies? Do you know how group insurance in your workplace works? Do you know if you are even insurable?
Something we should all be thinking about.... What do you see Social Security doing for you when you retire? In 1945 the number of workers per retirees was 40 and today it's 3. What do you think it will be in the next 20-25 years? Get Financially prepared!
With understanding and proper preparation, you can build up your future retirement the correct way with the best return. Without proper planning your assets and family may not be protected.
Who gets your home?
Who will care for your children?
Who will inherit your bank accounts?
Who will decide your health care or end of life decisions?
How will you avoid family arguments over your belongings and keepsakes?
Do you have a will?
It's good to have your wishes documented so they can be carried out as you wish. Let's get prepared!
Join my team and become financially free with knowledge on how to protect you and you family. We offer training classes to help you understand. We provide knowledge, strategies and solutions in major areas of financial services.
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