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What else: I really hope you read this in its entirety and please make a calculated and educated decision and think this through. I could not begin to count how many countries we are in and commissions are flowing every Friday. Have you ever noticed how many companies there are that you can take your invention idea to? George Foreman has a commercial promoting a company called invent help. There are dozens of them. However there is not a company where you can take your mobile app, game, software or website idea to get it developed......for you. If you had an idea you would have no idea where to take it in most every case. Maybe some people know where to take their idea but most of the public would not know where to begin. So most great ideas go undiscovered. If you did want to build your own software you could be looking at $15-$20,000 easily. And that is with no money going toward marketing. At Voltage Partners you can become a VIP or a voltage idea partner and submit ideas to the company and if they select one of your ideas to build then they do all of the development, all of the support and marketing and you sit back and collect 50% of the net profit and even if it sells to Google or Yahoo or some other giant you get half of the sale. Scenario 1- you do not have any ideas. Not a problem because their proprietary process will teach you how to find them and find pain points and challenges in peoples lives and occupations, then you can come up with a niche software solution for that problem. If one person in any particular industry or career has that particular problem chances are thousands of others do as well. Scenario 2- you don't submit an idea that gets developed. Your opportunity to submit ideas never ends so keep trying but even if your ideas do not make it into the app store you can still participate in the global success of all cash flowing apps in the global bonus pool each month. A portion of all revenue goes into that pool and as an idea partner you get to take advantage of that growing pool. The sooner you become active the more you will share in these solutions. Not only has the company ALREADY selected two and possibly three idea partners ideas to start development on next week, they also have five investor apps that are being developed and the company has chosen to share those apps in the global pool. If and only if you are an active VIP by June 15 will you share in those company apps. Quick example of just one of them called Gas N Save, The pain point is that gas stations make little or nothing from gas sales but depend on foot traffic into the store and with Proxy, Beacon, GPS technology, in-store deals can be offered. People save money and guess what? You are sharing in that apps bottom line. You must be active when an idea was submitted in order to share in that apps success.

Start watching the above link.

This article was published on 23.01.2017 by Charles Mattson
Author's business opportunity:

Voltage Partners AMP - APP Storefront, 32.99 USD to join

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