Social media platform and business opportunities
Hi I am Simnikiwe and I am inviting you to join the most wonderful social platform which is: FUTURENET CLUB SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS.
You will not only be registering to be a member but you will get access into wonderful different types of business opportunities from people worldwide,and you can also advertise your own business to the platform.We are also launching a new business opportunity that is starting on the 01-02-2018which is FUTUROCOIN mining were you can start with a minimum of 100$.
We have about 7 mining packages from 100$,250$,500$,1,000$,5000$,10,000$,25,000$.We also have our special identifications in the program which are: Bronze,Silver, Gold,Diamond, Diamond (1),Diamond (2),and VIP.Not forgetting our 7 bonuses which are:
*Direct bonus-starting from a minimum of 100$-1,000$ you can earn up to 7% direct bonus for each frontline sale.
*Unilevel bonus-startingfrom a minimum of 100$-25 000$,from level1-10 and 1-2%earnings.
*Career sponsor bonus- if you are qualified for bronze,silver, or gold you can earn an additional 3%career sponsor bonus for each front line sale.
-You're qualified as Diamond, Diamond (1),Diamond (2) you can earn up to 8% career sponsor for each front line sale.
-If you are qualified as a Futuro VIP you can earn an additional 7%for each front line sale.
*Career Unilevel bonus-starting from level1-10 earning from 1-3% for your bronze, silver, gold,diamond, diamond (1),diamond (2),and VIP.
*Marketing bonus- career level no qualification,you get 5% matching bonus.
-Bronze:you get 10% matching bonus
-Silver: you get 15% matching bonus
-Gold: you get 20% matching bonus
-Diamond: you get 30% matching bonus
-Diamond (1):you get 35% matching bonus
-Diamond (2):you get 40% matching bonus
-VIP:you get 50% matching bonus
*Car bonus-qualify for a career level position and enjoy a monthly car bonus of up to 4,000$.The car bonus Williams be pain monthly
-Bronze: 100$
-Silver: 400$
-Diamond: 1,000$
-Diamond (1):1,500$
-Diamond (2):2,500$
* Business Bonus-qualify for career level position and enjoy a monthly business bonus of up to 6,000$
-Diamond: 1000$
-Diamond (1):1,500$
-Diamond (2):2,500$
There are 6 FUTURENET matrices offered:10$,25$,50$,100$,500$ and 1000$.The future markets plan has a direct interface to the 6 Maurice's. Our dynamic ensures a mondatory 10% of earned commissions buys you media points automatically and enters you in the futurenet matrices each matrix is 3×3 over 10 levels.
We also have money market plan commission of up to 7,400,000$ which can be obtained by:member (10$)-basic (25$)-gold (50$)-sapphire (100$)-exclusive (500$)-royal(1000$)
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Call :084 530 3554
WhatsApp: 081 763 6800
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