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Flip Textbooks For Profit

Flip Textbooks For Profit

This is an amazing Work From Home business. You Buy a textbook from an Amazon 3rd party seller at a low price and trade that textbook in to Amazon at a higher price through Amazon’s trade-in program and Pocket the difference.

The Amazon Trade-In Program lets you trade in eligible items such as textbooks, electronics, video games, DVDs, and more for an Gift Card. Your trade-ins are sent with free shipping, and you receive your money as soon as Amazon received your product. There are more than 1 of the same book . Tens of thousands of textbooks on Amazon. Opportunities to purchase from sites outside of Amazon. Profit potential is HUGE. Zero, or nearly zero risk.

Now, we’re going to cover the Method Overview and the idea behind this video is to give you a- we’ll call it a bird’s eye view or a 20,000 ft. overview of what the method is. That way when we start to get into the detailed trainings, you’ll have a bigger picture idea of what we’re trying to accomplish. Now, that being said, we do want to make sure that you’ve watched the welcome video first or the introduction video. It’s really important to watch that video first because that video gives you a full breakdown of the member area, how you need to proceed through the training, etc. So if you haven’t watched that video, stop this video now, go back, watch the welcome or introductory video first- very important. When you’re done with that, come back to this video and we’ll continue.

Now, if you’ve already watched the video, the welcome video, you are in the right spot, okay? So let’s take a look at this method overview and get into the details. Now, one thing I do want to say before we start here is that I don’t want you to overthink this method, okay? It’s actually very simple. Yes, we have a lot of detailed training videos for you; that’s just to ensure that you make the most money possible and avoid any mistakes that we made initially, but the bottom line is do not overthink this method, okay? It’s very, very simple. It’s just a couple of things going on. The first thing is we’re going to buy a textbook from an Amazon third party seller, at a low price, so we’re looking for a good deal here and we’ll talk about what that means later, but just for now, all you need to know is we’re going to be buying books. from third party sellers, most of the time used, sometimes new, at a low price, okay? So we’ve got a good deal on a book. Then we’re going to take that book and trade that book in to Amazon at a higher price than we paid through their trade-in program. Okay?

We’ll cover their trading program here in just a minute. And the idea here is we’re just going to pocket the difference. It’s really that simple. So again, do not overthink this process. It’s very, very easy. We’re going to buy a book for cheap and then we’re going to turn around as soon as we receive that book, send it in to Amazon through their trade-in program and get a higher price for it than what we paid for the book and we’re going to pocket that difference. It’s really that simple, okay?

So let’s talk into a little bit of detail as far as what is the Amazon trade-in program? How does it work, what does it do? Well, the trade-in program actually lets you trade in all kinds of different items that are eligible such as textbooks, of course, electronics, video games, DVDs, more and the way Amazon pays you is through an Amazon Gift Card. Now, we’ll cover the Gift Card in a little bit, but basically your trade-ins are sent with free shipping, so when you send something in to Amazon, they’re going to give you a shipping label to print out that’s prepaid so you don’t have to worry about that. So you print out the label, you stick it on your item, you send it in to Amazon and as soon as they receive it and inspect it to make sure it’s actually what you said it was and not a pile of coal or whatever, then you’re going to receive your Gift Card. Okay? And your money right there in your account. So it’s pretty cool. So the trade-in program if you want more details on that, you could find it at and you could see there’s all kinds of different categories. Now just as a quick side note, this is a great way if you’ve got some old phones laying around or movies or games or whatever it may be laying around your house, the Amazon trade-in is a really quick way to get a lot of money for that used stuff that you’re not even using. So just a side note, we’ve used it multiple times, it works great. So anyway, lots of different opportunities in the trade-in program. We’re, of course, in this particular video series, we’re going to be focusing on textbooks. So, now that you understand the basic process, we’re just buying a used book for cheap or possibly new for very cheap, trading it back in for a higher price to Amazon and Amazon’s going to pay us. That’s all we’re doing. Now that you understand that, let’s look at a specific example, okay? So all we did to get to these listings, we just went to, we typed in the search box ‘textbooks’ and we’re going to look at a couple of examples here. Okay, so if we look at this first example here, The Art of Public Speaking, we can see a lot of different prices here, but here’s where we want to focus. We want to focus on this little section here where it says, “$44.55 used and new”, okay? This is where we are going to buy our books and find our deals that we’re going to eventually trade in, okay? So remember that number. All right, $44.55. All right?

Now, if we look at this same listing, if we move over to the right just a little bit here, we will see the number $73.70 and you can see here, it says, “Trade in yours for an Amazon Gift Card up to $73.70.” Okay? So we see, just from the main listing here, there are books available for $44.55 that we can trade in for $73.70, so what does that look like? Well, let’s just a take a look at the numbers real quick. That would give us a $29.15 profit. Not too bad. Here’s the cool thing about that: a lot of times you saw that there were [00:06:00] multiple books, used and new available. A lot of times there are more than one of the same book available that you can buy cheap and trade- in. So let’s just say there were a few sellers available and we found 10 of these books, that would be $300 profit right there, boom, with one book. Pretty huge.

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Let me know if you have any further questions.

Good Business.

This article was published on 20.12.2016 by Khalid Sadik
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Textbook Money - Flip Books to profif, Free to join

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