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Financial Literacy Campaign to the Rescue of Middle Class America

Is money controlling you?

Or do you control your money?

In 2020 - over 40% Americans were struggling to pay their bills on time, and 44% say they do not have $400 to their name to cover an emergency.

That is 4 in 10 Americans, with crippling debt and no emergency fund.

Do you struggle paying your bills?

Your children growing up faster than you can keep up with?

Your parents getting older and you do not know how you will be able to support them?

Are you feeling that you're getting older and have not yet started to save for your own retirement yet?

You're not alone my friends, you're part of the largest group of people in America called the middle class.

It is ironic that we live in the wealthiest country in the world, and our families still have money problems. We can work hard all our lives and still retire poor. Debt is our way of life.

We don't have much, we don't know much. Nobody teaches us about how to manage our money in school. Financial Issues are not often discussed. Most people have trouble balancing their own checkbook and reading a bank statement.

It is possible that we don't know what we don't know. Even though financial industry is huge, and even though we are flooded with financial news, channels and websites, financial literacy is as murky as ever.

We need to change, and the task won't be easy. But we need understanding first. The old days of passive dependence have to end. A new era of proactivism and financial freedom must begin.

That is why we launched National Financial Literacy Campaign in 2017, with a goal to educate and empower 1 million families by 2020. Now with almost 2 million families have been educated and empowered we are aiming for a goal of educating and empowering 30 million families by 2030. In order to achieve this amazing number we must expand. Today we have over 75 thousand members and we need at least another 100,000 in next few years to become Financial Literacy Campaigner to not only better their own financial future, but also help millions of other Americans to achieve financial freedom as well.

Does the idea of making money, building a legacy while making a difference sounds good to you? Let's Connect and see how you can become a Financial Literacy Campaigner.

Remember: There is nobody more interested in your financial future than you are, definitely not the government or your employer, or the bank or the union. It's your responsibility to learn the simple rules of how money works. Understanding how money works is part of taking care of your family. You can do it. You can control your future.

I am Sikander Lodhi & I am a proud financial literacy campaigner for a Campaign that has changed and saved my family's future, and now I am helping other do the same for their family too. Come Join us and Change America One Family at a Time!

To Change Your Financial Future Go To NOW to get a FREE copy of the book that has changed over 1.5 Million families life in just 5 years.

This article was published on 30.09.2021 by Lodhi Moneydoctor
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From FI to FI - Financial Literacy, 125 USD to join

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