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The 80/20 Rule Revisited !!!

In Business the 80/20 Rule has already been mentioned to most people in Business.

20% do 80% of the work and activity while 80% does 20% of the Activity and Work.

But knowing that begs a larger question than how to sort and find those in the 20%

How do you "potentially" get 100% involved in the work?

You say this is impossible. I quickly agree but I only asked for "Potentiality" and not

Certainty. What common denominators do we Human Beings share? Air, Water, Food,

Sunlight and all the other Physiological needs you see in Maslows Hierarchy.

Dr.Patrick Gentempo's Philosophy Pyramid for Prosperity raises Questions about

what really is your Philosophical belief system and why it may be preventing you from

Prospering. A Business example in the extreme can be seen in Oil Spills and Catastrophic

Pollution practices. As these are known to Happen you would expect the process, any

process to include safeguards so when the event occurs our Environment can be restored.

That is until you see they don't actually follow through and "pay the price " and do the

right thing. Then we see their Philosophy in Practice . Action not words...Facta non Verba.

So our 20% understands Action and not just words. The 80% are still confused

about what to do and keeping things simple is really important. If the are confused or are

conflicted in some area of their Philosophy they tend to drift and lose interest. Consider 

them as being asleep but don't give up. You get simpler and the get easier to engage.

The 20% can be compared to our atmosphere. 21% Oxygen and 79 % Nitrogen and trace gases.

That Oxygen content does the work and within that 21 % is our 2% Oxygen Vitality Zone.

the Space between 19 and 21 is only 2%. The Oxygen 2% Vitality Zone simply acts as a way

to show us that the TOP 10% of our available Oxygen is really what matters most for Happy

Healthy lives. Below 19% and we begin to suffer and at 14% we are in trouble and our Life

support systems are over taxed.

The Truth is that 7% is our Zero. Not the Atmosphere's Zero but Human Being's Zero.

What I call my B.O.S. scale reframes this misunderstanding and clearly shows just how

important that 2% is for our Thriving and Surviving. Especially when we go to Sleep and

when we awaken in the morning. Restore and repair allows us to renew for the day ahead.

I will be happy to show my hand drawn B.O.S. scale and it will show you the O2 Vitality

zone I mentioned. Just go to my Facebook page titled LIKE OXYGEN.

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                                                                     SleepMagic.Club redirect

they will get you there as well.     All the People I know Like Oxygen.  

We have so much in common .

warm regards, 

Keith M.Bender

This article was published on 06.03.2016 by Keith Bender
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