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A wish, is just a dream, if there is no action

IMAGINE THIS, you had 1 million ZAR, that's roughly 58 thousand USD in currency on the 1st of January 2020, today your money is roughly worth 640k in ZAR and 37k in USD because of depreciation and so forth.

Now IMAGINE if you had that 1 million ZAR (58k USD) in silver, today that silver would be worth roughly 1,47 million ZAR (85.5k USD). That is roughly a 47% increase in only 6 months.

Last year at a seminar here in SA, Robert Kiyosaki asked the audience if they want to know that the next big thing is and put up a slide on silver and said that if you want to move in life now is the time to do so. I watched a video the other day that said Warren Buffet, businessman of the 21st century, removed his money from stocks but yet he bought 1 billion dollars in Silver. Mike Maloney says, wealth is never lost, its merely moved from one place to the other and if you know where these transitions are, you can align yourself into them and secure true wealth.

Silver is used in everything, solar panels, tv, fridges, the laptop or cellphone you using to read this article, the electric car uses between 3 and 5 kgs of silver and some countries have declared the combustible engines must be off the roads by 2035.

In times of economic crisis, the wealthy buy gold to secure their money but what very little know, is that silver out preforms gold every time and the crisis we in now, COVID is the worst to hit since the great depression. We still have about another year before "economic collapse" as experts tell us and the growth of silver predicted is incredible. Before 2027, silver is estimated to be over 17k ZAR (1000 USD) PER OZ from what it is roughly today at 306 ZAR (17.50 USD). DO YOU SEE THE GROWTH?

NOW in knowing this information

What if I tell you that there is a company with 2 divisions for INVESTORS and has an MLM structure and returns in commotions in many ways like no other. Works in the physical commodity silver and is audited, vaulted and insured in your country. It can even be delivered to your door. Buy back guarantees and liquidation options as well.


And that is not even scraping the top of this wonderful company.

I have been in networking for a awhile and I have spoken to people that has been in the industry for 30 years and even they say, they have never come across something of this caliber. Turning everyday people in true investors and securing futures for their loved ones.

If you want to know more, please email me on

This article was published on 26.06.2020 by Paul Botha
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