RESIDUAL INCOME 100% automated
Everyone is looking for the holy grail of business, the one that provides everything you need financially and is not complicated to put together nor to build nor to run. Are there any such options available you ask? What makes this opportunity stand out more than any other?
OK so where to start, first of all do you do anything online well yes of course you do but when you have to link various components together to put a business together it starts to get complicated and to be fair costly…. You have to have a website but you need to find a domain name and then you have to find a product to offer and then the put the sales funnel together then link this to the autoresponders then get these products delivered or allow downloads etc etc. This is not only time consuming but as I say can be costly. I tried this way and was quoted some $25,000 to put everything together for me but I still never owned the data, and the payments went on and on for various other bits and pieces.
However, while doing all of this research to get myself in business I came across a company that provides every conceivable tool you would need to do anything online and certainly all of the above and much much more. These are far superior products than those currently available but a fraction of the cost to make use of and ALL Artificial Intelligence driven with everything done for you.
Does such a company exist you ask? Well it does now this is the brainchild of a multi-millionaire who was simply sick and tired of reaching the top to be let down once he got there. He wanted to create a company that would more than rival the big boys but instead of becoming a billionaire he wanted to share this amongst those that have tried to work online but not succeeded yet. His vision meant that he wanted to build a legacy to ensure everyone from all walks of life could achieve financial freedom. To give you an example one lady from the Philippines has joined as a founder but she cannot read or write nor did she have any money to even pay the small joining fee of $97 so she decided that in order to be part of this massive opportunity she needed to raise this money so she sold things on the street corner for 3 weeks in order to have enough money to pay this founder fee. She will now be set for life. The business is designed to be 100% automated they advertise for us and they build what you might call a team but really this is a customer base from which we receive a residual income. So what do you have to do to be part of a business that has a potential customer base of 2.5 billion with products that will rival the massive players in the market today. Well this is simple pay the small joining fee probably the equivalent of a good night out $97.00 and find just three others. Our soft launch is due shortly and once it goes fully live then you make one more payment of less than $200 and if you have just three people in your group YOU NEVER PAY AGAIN. The key then is how does this business grow? OnPassive advertises for us and it creates cycles where it places 1 customer under each of the founders so if you already have your three this goes 9,27,81,243,729,2187 this is 6 cycles and each are expected to take around 3 months (this is not guaranteed but to offer an example they did a test without using its AI technology as they wanted to see how long it would take to get 1,000,000 opt ins and this took just 2 days) but lets say it takes 6 months this means that in 3 years your income would potentially be in excess of $50,000 per month. So how many of you would start to take retirement to enjoy life and buy whatever you wanted? How many of you would want to get their sooner or increase this RESIDUAL income to $100,000 or even $1,000,000 per month what would you do to get there how many people could you actually find. OK well lets take another example say you find 40 people before launch this then with just 4 cycles goes 120, 360, 1,080 , 3240 so in 2 years your income would be far higher. So why for some is this a no brainer and others still sit on the fence well quite honestly it only boils down to understanding whats on offer so if you really do want to know how you could become part of this massive opportunity then contact me or check out the link for some more basic information.
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