Success in inevitable!
You do not have a choice: You must succeed. Failure is not on the menu. Master your mind. Keep it in growth mode. Read as if it’s air! Read relevant literature. Read anything that can aid you with the vision you have for your life. Follow successful people. Find a mentor. Everyone needs someone; you’re not on a deserted island. You are in a real world with real people and you should be wanting to make a difference. Get this whilst you’re here….
You are not your geographical location. You are not the color of your skin. You are not aligned with any stereotypes; you are beautiful and you can do anything you set your mind towards. Your gifts will make room for you and you can locate your gifts in your childhood. What were you passionate about as a kid? What are you still passionate about? What can you do effortlessly? Start small and work it!
Listen! Too many times, we ask questions and refuse to stay quiet to hear the answer. Listen to respond not react. Listening is a key Even when you haven’t asked a question, listen. The ocean has answers. A song has answers. Silence is an answer, just listen.
Share information. Someone thought of you. Do the same for someone; anyone; anywhere. Love is the answer; regardless to the question. Understanding your self worth will deter you from being selfish. When you know who you are and whose you are; half your fight is over. There are things: behavioral patterns and people, you will not be able to tolerate and that’s ok. Sift your circle ️ and maintain it. Bear in mind, there are no perfect people; that’s a myth. Be discerning; Be wise and Be tactful.
As I wrap this article up, it’s ok to take a calculated risk. Roll your dice and take a chance. When you make it; apply the 70/30 rule: 10% tithes (church or charity); 10% savings and 10% investment and watch a shift in your finances. However, you must be courageous, committed and consistent. Believe in your self!We at the are passionate about creating entrepreneurs by shifting the paradigm; switching mindsets and breaking records. Follow my Facebook page
See you at the top!