The 3 Secrets to a Successful MLM Business...(That really shouldn't be secrets)
Our success and experience has taught us that there are 3 extremely important things you need to have in place to be successful in Network marketing. We call them the "The 3 Secrets of a highly successful MLM Business....(that really shouldn't be secrets)".
Number 1 is a strong company.
Number 2 is sizzle, quality products.
Number 3 is an impact upline.
For now, let's talk about #3.... An Impact Upline
This is what everyone hopes for. Not just an upline that will train you but will really "bring it" for you. This is the most important of the 3 secrets.
You can have the right company and the right products but if your upline leaders are not there for you, it is really difficult to succeed.
So this is what we mean by "Bring it for you".....
A. If you live in Topeka, Kansas, and your upline lives in Nashville, TN and you're having a class or event with 10 to 20 people, are they going to fly in or drive in to be there for you? They should be....that's working as a real team.....that's real upline support.
B. Does your upline offer training to you online (as well as offline) via Zoom or Skype, teaching you the products and putting together and helping you execute a plan to build your business? Do they have the desire and skills to teach online classes for your team on a weekly basis?
C. If there's a Women’s Expo or Health and Wellness Expo in your area and you want to do a booth and it's $500 for the weekend, will your upline pay at least half? They should. If you’re investing your time and money in your business, they need to invest in you!
D. Build online. Does your upline have the expertise and partners that can help you put together a strong online marketing campaign if you so choose?
We do all these things and more with our partners who have joined us.
We have the expertise, experience and the funds to make a huge difference for you.
If you’re feeling stuck…
If you’re wondering what the next step is…
Email us at or schedule a strategy call with us at
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