Astralworlds of Company bussines opportunity !
Our bussines opportunities at Astralworlds Company, is ready to release tokens to members at this MLM Gateway, with the cost of $10 USD our members could had benefits to owns of 1100 Astralands (ASLS) token, 1100 Hualands (HLDS) token, 1100 Countrylands (CTLS) token, 1100 Hungry of Loves (HLS) token, & 1100 Marrylands (MRLS) token into each ETH wallet address , that will be distributes manually !
Our company just listed an ENS Domains (Ethereum Name Registrations) was Astralworlds.ETHa , also with subdomains such as holylands.astralworlds.eth , Alycias.Astralworlds.eth , Astralands.Astralworlds.eth , Countrylands.Astralworlds.eth , Acapulcos.Astralworlds.eth , and else, ...
We just launch a " semi publics " sale of our tokens, into some of DEX ( Decentralized Exchange Markets) in Ethereum service, such as McAfee DEX, Ledger DEX,, Tokenjar, Bamboo Relay , Bitcratic, etc , ...
and we are awaits to be listed at some of CEX ( Centralized Exchange) Markets accordings to our Astralworlds of Company had the liquidity services !
We just release a "saved banks" of our ETH Tokens , that contains millions of our company tokens , release at twitter tweets !
Astralworlds of Company twitter username, could be founds at ,
and our Website is still under page constructions, is at !
Our member had to provide one of an ETH Public Address to receive of our ETH Tokens as will distributes manually !
Astralworlds of Company
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