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The 3 Network Marketing Lies that Are Keeping Your Broke

If you are struggling to build your Network Marketing business, it’s not your fault!

You are probably doing things the wrong way.

You were probably told to do some of the following:

Make a List of At Least 100 People

Making a list of at least 100 people and calling those people with your upline doesn’t work for 97 percent of Network Marketers.

Those 100 or more people are called your “Warm Market”.

What happens when you run out of people in your warm market?

Home or Hotel Meetings

Yes, it’s called a home-based business, but do you really want to spend your spare time entertaining family and friends with the hidden agenda of pitching them your business opportunity? There is a better way!

Do you want to take even more time away from your family by either hosting or taking people from your Warm Market to a hotel meeting where you let someone else do the Telling and Selling in hopes that the person you bought to the meeting will sign up and become your business partner? There is a better way!

Post Your Link All Over Social Media Websites!

First, this will get your account shut down because most Social Media websites are about being social and are not set up for you to do business unless you are following their rules which normally mean paying for ads.

Second, do you want to become know as the person that is SPAMMING their social media accounts with business related links. Most people will not click on your links, and most social media websites don't like it when you send their users outside of their platform. There is a better way!

Talk to Anyone Who Comes within Three Feet of You!

Better known as the “Three Foot Rule” is where you talk to any and everyone who comes within three feet of you about your Network Marketing business.

The “Three Foot Rule” is based upon the idea that everyone is your prospect, and that is the farthest thing from the truth!

Most people will look at what you’re doing to build your business, and will decide that what you’re doing it’s not for them. Most people who start a home-based business don’t want another job. They want a business that they can do in their spare time and make some extra money.

That type of thinking is faulty because you have to put in work to make your home-based business successful.

The above is what is referred to as Old School Network Marketing, and a lot of people learned to build their Network Marketing business by making a list of at least 100 people and calling those people with their upline, but like I said above, that does not work for everyone.

To become successful in Network Marketing you need to get clear on a few things:

1.    What is your business as a Network Marketer?

2.    Who is your ideal prospect?

3.    What are you doing to attract your ideal prospect?

If you want to learn what the Top 3 Percent are doing to build their Network Marketing business, click the link below.

When you learn the truth behind the first lie, you will look at Network Marketing in a different way.

Stop Struggling and Start Earning Today!

This article was published on 25.11.2018 by Steve Dobson
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