Get a Leads List to use for your opportunity for Free* and make some money!
Do you already have an opportunity that you are working on?
That's Great!! But you still need leads, right!
I discovered a secret that helps me get leads for the opportunity I'm working on and get free leads* from RegenaLife without having to buy any products or get anyone else to have to buy products from RegenaLife.
In order to be active in RegenaLife you need 50PV per month. RegenaLife offers a warm lead list to their members which they guarantee that the leads come from people that want to work from home and are 21 to 60 days young. The list cost $50 and gives you the 50PV to stay active.
Here's The Secret:
RegenaLife considers the Lead List as a product so you still make money off anyone under you that purchases the Lead List.
So how do you make money off this?
Step 1. Setup an account on RegenaLife and set your account to purchase the Leads List on Autoship on the 1rst of the month and set it to pay with commissions.
Step 2. Have everyone in your downline setup repeat Step 1 for their downline and so on.
Here's what you would make off your downline from them purchasing the Leads List from RegenaLife.
Level 1 20% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $50
Level 2 10% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $25
Level 3 10% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $25
Level 4 5% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $12.5
Level 5 5% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $12.5
Level 6 4% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $10
Level 7 3% - Example Commission based on 5 people = $7.5
That would give you $142.50 a month in commissions! So after your first month the leads list would be purchased from your commissions and you would have $92.50 in residual income a month and you never had to ask anyone to purchase any products!
We all need leads for our businesses, right! Why not get get them for Free* and make a little extra pocket change each month?
Even though you are just using Regenalife for the Leads you are still an active member and eligible for the Bonuses as well!
There are 12 bonus Levels! Here is the first 3 to get you started:
Active – generate 50 PV a month or more (MLM commission qualified)
Builder – $75 – maintain MLM commission qualification and recruit a least three MLM commission qualified affiliates
Manager – $100 – maintain MLM commission qualification and recruit a least five MLM commission qualified affiliates
Bronze – $150 maintain MLM commission qualification, maintain a least five MLM commission qualified affiliates and have another ten MLM commission qualified affiliates across seven unilevel team levels
Want to find out more! Check it out and Join Today! Click Here
*After the first month
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