Your SUCCESS is in direct RATIO
Your SUCCESS is in direct RATIO to the number of people you help to become SUCCESSFUL
You are in business, you build a team, and you coach them to be successful. OR do you start building a team then leave it up to those you signed up to build it for you and you never get in touch again. Then you wonder when people start dropping out what happened. Well I can tell you. People are like cows in a pasture. There is a leader and there are followers and the leader should never let the others get ahead of them. To do that you need to do several things like train you people, do personal development, and above all be appreciate of those in your team.
What do you do for your team to show they really matter to you no matter who brought them in?
HERE is a neat way to tell everyone how much they matter.
Give them a $200 Discount card for free. Yes for free. GoodLife discount cards are good for savings on hotels, resorts, spas, restaurants, shopping and a whole host of other place but what is so great is you don’t have to break the bank to give them out as they cost you less than 25 cent each. As a gold or platinum member you get 50 cards for free.
Now these people start using the cards and you get paid. They like the cards and so do their friends so they enrol as a gold or platinum member and you get an instant bonus of $75. As a gold or platinum member you also qualify for DREAM DOLLARS. There is also the Legacy Tree where you get paid a on ALL enrollees after you qualify. Just think as the company grows what a potential that could be.
You want to promote your primary business, do a campaign where if a prospect becomes a member you will give them a free $200 discount card.
There are so many ways you can incorporate the discount cards into your present business and build a second income.
Now by show a gesture of kindness to your team members do you not think that it would encourage them to work a little harder on their businesses. I know for sure it can never hurt right.
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