Watkins Business Opportunity
Hi My name is Carla. About a year ago I decided that I wanted to start a home based business. If I started now by the time I retired in a few years, I will have a well established home business to sustain me through my retirement and still give me something to keep busy. I searched and searched looking at the pros and cons of many businesses. I was looking for a company that had a reputation for good quality products, comsumable products to maintain a repeat clientele and it must be affordable for my potential customers.
I am now an Independent Consultant with Watkins for almost a year. I can't believe how well I have done with this company. Most of my customers are 35 and older and have used Watkins in the past. I've heard people say that they didn't know that there was a Watkins rep. in the area. I love hearing the stories about when they were a child they remember their grandfather or grandmother using Watkins products. Stories about the Watkins man coming to their door as a child. One customer even told me their great uncle was a Watkins Man back in the day.
Watkins is a company that has been in business since 1868. Orginally selling products by horse and buggy. Being one of the oldest Direct Selling companies around they have come along way in 151 years. Now sell ing natural and organic spices, extracts, food mixes, skincare products, home cleaning products, pain relief remedies, and insect repellents.
Watkins provides a Home Business Opportunity with many different ways to grow your business. Selling reputable products from your home, at markets or vendor events, home parties, and recruiting consultants to your team.
For a low annual fee of $29.95 you get a Consultant website, a prospect website, and Free online training. There is no monthly quotas. If life gets busy you have no need to stress about making a selling quota to stay active. You are not required to buy a kit. You can purchase whatever products you want when you want.
If you would like to learn more about the Watkins Opportunity check out my website at https://www.respectedhomebusiness.com/976263
If you would like to contact me or stay updated on products, and promotions follow me Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/carla976263
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