ONPASSIVE And The Brutal Honest Truth! Part 3
Hello and thank you for continuing to read my upline’s blog below:
Dream the impossible
But I still had no real idea of what I was getting myself into. Even with knowing the character and the standards of Mr. Mufareh, the more I looked into ONPASSIVE, it was like an unbelievable dream come true and not just for me but for potentially millions of people all around the world. Before ONPASSIVE, I knew that the Online Marketing Industry was where I belonged and that if I had to go through a hundred companies, to find the perfect one that I could truly give my heart to, that is what I would have done.
One opportunity
But when I realized what Mr. Mufareh had planned for ONPASSIVE, I instinctively knew that I would not have to go through a hundred companies. In fact, I will not have to participate in any other company, online or offline, for the remainder of my life, if I don't want to. And here's why.
The new face of online marketing solutions
ONPASSIVE takes into consideration two major factors that many of us in the online world are very familiar with and have battled with for years... the first being, people are really getting tired of selling and recruiting while facing an uncertain outcome. And granted, there are those, like myself, who love selling and recruiting but that is no guarantee for those that will come after you. And the second factor is that in order to really have long lasting success, unfortunately, a business cannot depend entirely on the work ethics of other people. So, you might be asking yourself, how can you be successful in a truly viable online company without other people pulling their weight?
AI Technology
And the answer is Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI Technology. As I mentioned before, Mr. Mufareh is a Master Marketer and he and our team of experts have built, from the ground up, proprietary tools using AI technology that has never been seen before publicly, that is, until now.
Everyone succeeds 100%
And here is another part of the brutal honest truth... in a manner of speaking, not even personal responsibility or lack thereof, can stop you from succeeding with ONPASSIVE. While it will provide those who want to take responsibility and use the products and services to build and grow your online presence...
Mature couple
ONPASSIVE is not just for online marketers but can help anyone who has long sought the solution to financial freedom, both online and offline, completely on auto-pilot.
History in the making
Earlier I mentioned, your online success being dependent largely upon the work ethics of other people, well with ONPASSIVE, you are not dependent on what anyone else does or does not do. And for the first time in the history of the entire Online Marketing Industry, ONPASSIVE will help all kinds of people, from the experienced marketer, in all aspects of online marketing... to the person who has never even considered online marketing as a viable option but would love the opportunity to become financially free and take back control over their lives.
Fortunately, for anyone who gets involved in ONPASSIVE, your personal success is not even dependent on our own work ethics, let alone that of other people. And for the first time in online history, your success is 100% guaranteed, regardless of your experience, education, background, or current circumstances all without needing to recruit other people.
But how is this possible? If you are not required to recruit other people, how can this be sustained? The answer is our passive AI technology designed to go all out over the world wide web to find people who are interested in your business or even those who are interested in starting an online business of their own, without all of the usual problems.
Welcome to ONPASSIVE
In order to learn more go to:
Your Partner for Success,
Saviour Ellul – Team Leader
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