4th Annual MDC Convention - Virtual & Free PLUS Cash Prizes!!!
Hello! My name is Cathy and I have several questions for you......
If you had the opportunity to learn how to improve yourself and grow your business for FREE - would you?
If an entrepreneur wanted to tell you exactly how they became so successful, would you listen?
What if multiple successful entrepreneurs were at your fingertips in less than 8 days?
Just look at who will be our Guest Speakers -->>>>>
John Maxwell along with World-Renowned Speaker and Author, Eric Thomas, and Best-Selling Author and Entrepreneur, Erin Gargan King will be among this experienced legendary panel of keynote speakers!!
All for FREE when you attend our Virtual Convention!
NOT only do you get access to hearing these amazing speakers, but you'll learn about why MDC has taken the Network Marketing industry by storm!! PLUS - a new line of products announce AND....$50,000 in cash prizes will be given away!
Discover the best tips for success by taking one simple step....
?Still need more info?
Join us at Manifest 2020 on Friday 9/18 and Saturday 9/19 from 9am-2pm PST!
Message me now to get your spot held....Don't miss out on one of the largest....FREE Events that could change your life forever!!
Have you ever attended a convention before? This will be even more exciting as a Virtual event than even being in person! This is for anyone - regardless if you are in another business!
• State of the Union
• Product Launches
• Keynote Speakers
• International Expansion
• Leadership Training
• Marketing Tools
• Amazing Prizes
• Workshops
More than traditional sales training. You’ll gain valuable insight and a wealth of information from the top performing affiliates in the business. Learn how to Manifest Success as you add more tools to grow your business. Our industry leaders will do more than show you the secrets to their success. They will help you master these new skills as you manifest new levels within your business.
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