AWS CAPITAL Business group, bigger and better today. Come on board.
*�Buy your machine earn Straight to your wallet daily*
*�Company doesn't have ACCESS to your Earnings�♂�♂*
*�Company HOST and Maintain our Machines*
*�We pay little Fee monthly for Electricity and maintenance, They CAN'T take it automatically they don't have access to our EARNINGS*
*�Your Machine will mine 3-4yrs ���*
*�You can Visit YOUR machine in any of our Mining Farms where its Kept*
*�If your machine is no longer profitable, you can sell it back to the company, ADD on that money to buy another one Or Ask them to Ship it Back TO YOU
*For NETWORKERS Theirs ALOT More Money You Will EARN
ACTIVE* *MEMBERS* you can start sharing Good *NEWS*
*WE have the following 5 bonuses in our system
*1) 10% Direct Bonus, out of your Direct Sales
*2) 5% Indirect Bonus, 2% from 2nd Level
1% from 3rd Level
1% from 4th Level
1% from 5th Level.
*Example* :
If your teams business touches to 10,000$ in a day and your everage earning is calculated at 2% of this sales i.e. 200$ then you may earn 6000$ monthly if maintain the same business volume through out the month.
*3) 12% Residual Bonus* from Miner to President it 7 levels
You will earn this bonus out of hosting fee paid by your downline from 1 to 7 levels.
*Breakup* :
1 to 5 Levels it will be 2% on each level
6 to 7 level it will 1% on each level
*Example* :
150$ x 2% = 3$ from one person in your team from 1 to 5 levels.
It means if you have 1000 active people altogether in your 7 levels and for suppose they are monthly paying 150$ as hosting fee then your monthly Residual Bonus will
500 x 150$ = 75,000
75,000 x 2% = 1500$.
It will keep increasing every month if your team is growing every month
*EG if you have 10 Direct People Referred by you ��♀�♂�And Teach them to do the same ��GOD +�UNIT=�GROWTH ,You will have 100 people on your Second Level and help them do the same you will have 1000 in your Third level ���♂�Till level 5 ���*
*4) Performance Reward*
*5) Global Profit Sharing*
This reward is offered for the Ranks from Director and above only.
More bonuses will be added with new products like forex trading and crypto trading very soon.
*We are a UNILEVEL COMPANY ����No monthly maintenance for you to Earn from your Teams like other Unilevel selling Beauty PRODUCTS*
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