Evolution of the network marketing industry
Launched in March 2019,ibmerang is the fast becoming a global leader in the travel and direct selling space. The mission of ibmerang is simple : deliver goodwill in the form of travel saving and reward our Travel Saving Ambassador (TSAs) with travel saving bonuses in payment.
The vision ibmerang has is to create PRIB a Perpetual Residual Income Builder!.
By creating a world wide movement of TSAs, we will empower People worldwide to live life to the fullest, earn Residual Income via the PRIB and leave a legacy to future generations.
Ibmerang was recognized as the fastest growing company in 2019: business
Bottom of form.
Mr Buggs, CEO has long been considered the Micheal Jordan of Network Marketing. Not only has he been a leader and visionary on the cooperate side,but he has earned the largest commission ever from a single position. Those closest to him consistently talk about his generosity, passion, and desire to bring network marketing to a higher level.
With the launch of ibmerang, Holton Buggs us changing the model in network marketing to a customer center model, and looks to move the industry from an "old model" 1 where customers pay more for their products and services and only the strong recruiter win.
The new model will only allow you to earn income when your customers save money.
To bring this vision to fiction, ibmerang is launching in the travel space. Travel is an eight trillion dollars industry, and virtually everyone either already travels or wants to!
Rather than paying retail prices, ibmerang travel saving Ambassador's and their customers have access to "behind the curtain" pricing that the public online travel agencies such as Expedia, Travel ocity and Price line DON'T OFFER.
Sophie and Johnny Chung were visiting Holton Buggs in Houston and stayed for a week at the Westin Galleria. On that one trip , they saved right around $1000 that was enough for them to realize that this opportunity should be taken around the world and specially to their friends and family in South Korea.
It's time for the network marketing industry to evolve, says Holton Buggs and we will lead the way, launching the most exciting industry in the world-travel.
Additionally ibmerang has partner with Xstream travel, a well-known and highly respected travel giant to offer ibmerang Ambassadors the ability to earn travel bonuses for referring groups travel such as family reunion to Xstream. Xstream will also and exclusive experience and member-only trips to ibmerang. The public brand reveals left off Global opportunity Day is generating records-breaking interest around the globe. Not only have the tickets for event in Houston sold out, but "Watch parties" are scheduled to view the live stream all over the world. Conservatively, ibmerang anticipates adding over 10000 Travel savings Ambassador in the company during the first week, beginning in March 11, 2019.
Here at ibmerang, you throw out the Goodwill and saving and you get rewarded with a travel saving bonus in Cash!
The only way you can get paid is for your customers saves money!
A unique, very cool and fun way to earn additional income. A side just that can potentially become a life changing opportunity!
WHO AND WHO are in ibmerang
The founder and CEO of the company is Holton Buggs, and in addition to him, ibmerang also consists of the following individuals:
David Manning- CEO and president of Xstream Travel.
Terrance Gray- Vice president of Business Development.
Mark Kitchart- Vice president of Marketing
Peter Herschel- Chief Giving offer of the Buum foundation
Lori Speers- Director of Travel service
Each and everyone of these people has solid business backgrounds, make it clear that Holton only wanted the best of the best to work with ibmerang.
WHAT to know about the ibmerang products.
In regards to the product line that's being offered by ibmerang, the company promotes travel discounts that you can get through a special booking engine by the name "iGo". And it's very own Rideshare Company (similar to Uber and Lyft) : "Viberide"
Through iGo, you can get discounted package plans on things like flights,hotels, rental cars, cruises,timeshare e.tc.
In addition to being able to book the travel deals through iGo, the compensation plan for affiliate centers around it as well. The discounted travel engine iGo is powered by Daniel Manning's Xstream Travel company.
iGo is marketed as a "travel booking platform with up to 70% off of retail prices". It is also backed by a 110% "refund of the difference" price guarantee on hotel,cars and weekly stays for members.
iGo's ibmerang membership of 70% off is exclusive to TSA's, although example of "pricing of actual search on the booking platform" are provided. And customers can obtain saving up to 30% without a membership ibmerang affiliate provide retail customers with "boomerang" to access iGo.
A boomerang is basically login for the iGo booking engine. Any commission generated through a give out boomerang are tied to the referring affiliate.
Boomerangs provide to ibmerang affiliate are based on how much money they spent when they signed up!
Standby Affiliates ($49.95 a month) receive five boomerang to give out
Coach class Affiliates ($250 + $49.95 a month) receive ten boomerangs to give out. And an additional 10 each month.
Business class Affiliates ($500 + $99 a month) receive twenty-five boomerang to give out. And an additional 25 each month.
first class Affiliates ($750 + $95 a month receive fifty boomerangs to give out. And an additional 50 each month.
If an affiliate run out of boomerang,they have the option to purchase more.
VIBERIDE- with its launch, has open up all TSA's the ability earn money in the rideshare industry Viberides is only rideshare company that let you Earn Money For Life on all drivers and passengers you register! A great source of employment for drivers paying 70 to 75% per ride
Referring Travel package to Xstream travel- TSA's claim also earn commission from the referrals to Xstream travel for people or group looking to book group travel for a special event or occasion such as a wedding e.tc.
Ibmerang compensation plan
When it comes to making money as an ibmerang affiliate, or Viberide recruiter this is done by referring people to book travel package through iGO and residual commission from rideshare.
In regards to travel commissions, customers are rewarded with a 50% discount on travel package with the other 50% being paid by retail customers for example if a trip deals usually costs $300, iGO sells it for $200.
So, when an affiliate sells a travel package to customers,they are able to keep 50% that's kept by ibmerang. That may sound a little confusing at first, but what it essentially boils down to it is this- the more travel plans you sell through iGo , the more money you'll make.
Residual commission are also a big part of iGO, and these are paid using both a binary and unilevel system . ibmerang compensation plan combines commissions in travel service booked by rental customer, with binary and unilevel residual commissions.
A generational bonus leadership bonus and lifestyle bonus are also available.
All TSA's have the ability to get paid 7 levels down.
ibuumerang Affiliate Ranks
There are fourteen Affiliate ranks within ibuumerang is compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualifications criteria they are as follows:
TSA- Sign up as an ibmerang affiliate and continue to pay fees.
Director- Generate 2500PV and/or GV a month in sales volume and generate and maintain at least five boomerang customers.
Executive- Generate 5000PV and / or GV amount in sales volume and maintain at least five boomerang customers.
Senior Executive- Generate 10000PV and/or GV a month in sales volume and maintain at least five boomerang customers.
Sapphire- Generate 1500PV and/or GV a month in sales volume or have a downline of at 100 TSAs and generate and maintain at least ten boomerangs customers.
Ruby- Generate 40000 GV a month in sales volume or have a downline of at least 200 TSAs, and maintain at least ten boomerang customers.
Emerald- Generate 50000GV a month in sales volume or have downline of at least 400 TSAs and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
Diamonds- Generate 200000GV a month in sales volume or have a downline of at least 1000TSA and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
Blue Diamond- Generate 500000GV a month in sales volume or have a downline of at least 2500 TSAs and maintain at least ...........
Black Diamond- Generate 1000000 GV a month in sales volume or generate and maintain a downline of at least 5000 TSAs and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
Presidential Diamond- Generate 2000000 GV a month on sales volume or generate and maintain at least a downline of at least 10000 TSAs and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
Crown Diamond- Generate 5000000 GV a month in sales volume or generate and maintain a downline of at least 25000 TSA and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
Double Crown Diamond- Generate 7000000GV a month in sales volume or generate and maintain at least a downline of at least 35000 TSAs, and maintain in at least twenty boomerang customers.
Triple Crown Diamond- Generate 1000000GV a month in sales volume or generate and maintain a downline of at least 5000 TSAs, and maintain of at least 50000 TSAs, and maintain at least twenty boomerang customers.
PV stands for "Personal volume" and travel related sales volume generated by an affiliate.
GV stands for "Group Volume" and sales volume generated via travel bookings and affiliate membership fee payments.
For the Director to senior executive ranks, no more than 50% of required GV or downline TSAs can be sourced from anyone recruiting leg.
For the sapphire to Diamond ranks, no more than 40% of required GV or downline TSAs can be sourced from any one unilevel leg.
For the Blue Diamond to President Diamond ranks,no more than 30% required GV or downline TSAs can be sourced from anyone unilevel leg.
For Crown Diamond to triple Crown Diamond ranks, no more than 20% of required GV or downline TSAs can be sourced from anyone unilevel leg.
Travel Commission
Ibmerang only provide a retail customers a 50% discount.
The remaining 50% is paid by the retail customers a 50% discount the remaining customers and used to fund travel.
E.g Trip A cost $300 but is offered through iGO at $200
Ibmerang let's affiliates book Trip A for $200 but charges retail customers $250( 50% discount).
The $59 extra paid by the retail customer is used to fund travel commissions.
The ibmerang affiliate who referred the retail customers receive up to 50% of the 50% kept by the company.
Standby and Coach class affiliates receives 12.5% of the 50% of the 50%
Business and first class affiliate receive 100% of the 50% of the 50%
In the Trip A example above, Business class and first class affiliates receives 100% of 50% of the 50% kept by ibmerang.
So the travel commissions paid to the referring affiliate on Trip A is $25 (50% of 50%).
Standby and Coach affiliate would only receive $6.25
Ibuumerang keeps 15% and puts the rest into their compensation plans.
Recruitment Commissions.
Ibuumerang affiliates are paid recruitment commission when they recruit.
Coach class or higher affiliate Recruit a coach class affiliate and get paid $20 recruit a Business class affiliate and get paid $40 recruit a first class affiliate and get paid $80
Residual commission (binary)
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team split into two side (left and right):
The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two position into another two positions each (4position)
Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of the affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.
Binary residual commission volumes made up of booked travel and affiliate fees (both initial and monthly). At the end of each week, ibmerang tallies up the new volume on both sides of the binary team.
A residual commission is the paid on the volume generated on the weaker side.
How much a ibmerang affiliate can earn each week in residual commission is cappied based on the ranks:
TSAs can earn up to $1000 a week ( 10% residual commission rate)
Directors can earn up to $1500 a week (12% residual commission rate)
Executives can earn up to $2500a week (12% residual commission rate)
Senior Executives can earn up to $2500 a week (12% residual commission rate)
Sapphires can earn up to $3000 a week (15% residual commission rate)
Rabies can earn up to $5000 a week (16% residual commission rate)
Emerald can earn up to $10000 a week (17% residual commission rate)
Diamonds can earn up to $20000 a week (18% residual commission rate)
Blue Diamonds can earn up to $30000 a week (19% residual commission rate)
Black Diamond can earn up to $50000 ( 20% residual commission rate)
Presidential Diamonds can earn up to $100000 a week (20% residual commission rate)
Crown Diamond can earn up to $150000 a week ( 20% residual commission rate)
Double Crown Diamond can earn up to $200000 a week (20% residual commission rate)
Triple Crown Diamond can earn up to $250000 a week (20% residual commission rate).
Note that residual commissions are also defined based on ibmerang affiliate membership.
Residual commissions (Unilevel)
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level affiliate recruit new affiliate they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate's unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliate they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Unilevel residual commission volume is made up of booked travel and affiliate fee (both initial and monthly).
How many levels of residual unilevel commission ibmerang affiliate earn is determined by recruiting at least two TSA's at coach class or higher!
Leadership Development Bonus
The leadership Development Bonus is a generation bonus, paid on up to seven generations of residual volume per unilevel team leg.
Ibmerang define a generation in a unilevel team leg when a sapphire or higher ranked affiliate is found in the leg.
This first sapphire starts the first generation for that leg.
If a second sapphire exists deeper in the leg,they cap off the first generation and a second begins under them.
If no second sapphire exists in the leg, the first generation runs the entire length of the leg.
Using this generational structures, ibmerang pays the leadership Development Bonus on up to seven generations per unilevel team leg.
Joining ibmerang
Basic ibmerang standby affiliate membership is $49.95 a month
There are also more Global packages available that allows you to earn commissions:
Coach class- $250 (one time fees) + $49.95 a month.
Business class-$500 (one time fees) + $99 a month
First class- $750 (one time fees ) + $95 a month
Join now - www.emmanuel111.ibuumerang.com/
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