$10,000 rewarded
to top performing Team Member, once 10,000+ people sign up to my team “Mel’s GDI Team.” This is a personal reward from me and is not paid until early July 2021.
100% free for first 7 days, then:
$10 USD per month investment.
5 paid referrals per week, $100 Bonus, Unlimited.
1000 paid referrals each month $5000.
2500 Team members will be invited to my annual conference in Australia, where they will also receive a Merchandise Pack. This will announced early July 2021
Every Team member will be invited to my weekly Group Video Calls, which I will customise depending on locations
GDI, Global Domains International has been around for almost 21 years, so they must be doing something right.
In this time of crisis, not every person will be accepted back in to their former role. I feel that everyone should be seeking alternate ways to earn income, and affiliate marketing is a great way.
Just Over Broke Security is not guaranteed after this crisis is over.
In order to succeed in this, you don’t need thousands of friends, or even know that many, just a handful who want to take charge of their Financial Future so that You don’t need to be living Pay Check to Pay Check, instead be financially secure that you never have to worry about counting your pennies.
Life Is A Journey and we honestly should be accepting every legal opportunity that comes our way.
A favourite saying of mine is:
“Wealthy People Have Multiple Sources Of Income, But Poor People Only Rely On One, Because They Have Been Brainwashed.”
Society as a Whole has changed, therefore Humans should be changing and adapting.
Working From Home is now popular and I feel will become the norm, why not join the thousands who now know the benefits.
The benefits to Affiliate Marketing, is that most expenses relating to your online business can be claimable. I am using the Australian Taxation System here, please refer to your own Taxation authority for clarification.
Strong People will always find a way to overcome adversity and their financial issues, by looking outside their Comfort Zones.
Comfort Zones are Lazy Zones and those who prefer them, will not really succeed in life, especially when it comes to having a Financial Safety Cushion, because everyone will need emergency funds one day.
Positive People Rocks It So Much.
Please check out the link below and check out the Income Calculator to work out what you might earn each month.
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