I have a dream and I have a plan.
Its a bit sad when you look around you and see how the world has turned out. People are losing their jobs, homes and nobody cares. People who get sick and have no income and lose their homes. People that get old, and have worked all there life, have to choose between buying food or paying rent, can't afford to buy medicines. The young ones cant get jobs and income.
But I have a dream and I have a plan.
I'm no politician and I'm glad that I'm not. Too many rules to follow. I can't change it all my self but I can sure help a lot. My dream is to help as many as I can.
I'm in 2 business at the moment and they are not expensive once.
My main business hasn't started yet. It's in prelunch and it's going to be really big. It's an IT company. It has so much to offer that its hard to explain it all. You have to see it. You can join now as a founder or later when it launched as a reseller/customer. Either way, I believe you should take a look and request an invite.
That will cost you nothing but you will be on the list to be contacted when it launches.
In this company, everyone is getting paid on every sale made, by you, someone else or the company. As an internet marketer it has ALL the tools that you need, want or could wich for. Click here to get an invite: ONPASSIVE
My second business is 10 to Infinity.
It cost only 10 dollars to join and its a shared economy. It means that you are joining another program that costs a lot more but you are sharing the cost with others. And you will get paid quickly. For those 10 dollars, you get state of the art education in marketing and a great income. You will only pay once, 10 dollars from your pocket.
Heres the link: 10 to infinity
Now to my PLAN:
Every week after ONPASSIVE has started I will buy in people that I see are struggling. I will give away memberships in both 10 to infinity and ONPASSIVE. If I can help at least 4 people/ month to get an income and a better life I will do just that. This isn't just helping them it helps the companies and me.
This is just the short version of my plan. I have a really big one in my head. :)
Feel free to contact me.
Best from Malin
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