The Most Effective Way To Create Retention In Your MLM And Get People To Stay

If you've ever sponsored someone into a MLM business, you know exactly how difficult it is to get people to hang around from month to month.
But is it possible to increase the number of those who chose to stay and reorder?
Yes, there are ways to increase the retention and have people staying longer, and today, I will share with you all the ways I know to do this.
The Welcome
When a new person joins, the welcoming they get does a lot in helping with retention.
Knowing they can call you anytime, and get in touch with you just helps them believe in doing it more.
Be sure you put together a great welcome message, and always, always, always give them a call as soon as you know they have signed up.
A Beginner's Guide
Another tool to help people not just stay, but duplicate more, is a beginner's guide and checklist.
If your prospects see they have a checklist of what they need to do, they will feel more confident that they can achieve success.
But, for those who follow the guide, may even get a sponsored rep or two rather quick.
Remember, if your team members each get one signup a month, they stay for life.
Weekly Events
It is important to have weekly events on your team, to help people stay in the game longer.
If people are constantly exposed to the business, and get to hear great stories of others having success with the business or product, it fires them up.
Put together a weekly call yourself if your team does not offer one yet,
On the call, interview people on the team who are getting results, and let them share their story.
Teach To Promote Weekly Events
If you're wondering what this is about, let me explain.
Have your team promote your weekly call and event, and invite their friends, family, and any prospects they meet.
This will help your donwline get signups, if they actually bring others to the call.
Outsiders hear the stories of others, and get excited too.
Great way to build more team members, and keep retention among your existing team.
Email List
We mostly hear email list being a way to get new sales.
But actually, it's a great way to build retention too.
People getting to hear form you each and everyday, makes them feel part of something.
Also, in the emails you send out each day, share stories of success with business and product.
Let your team members forward the emails to people they are in contact with through email.
Facebook Groups
Having Facebook groups where your team can post their ideas, prospects they signup, and celebrate their achievements is a good way to keep people happy.
You can even remind them to post in the emails you send out.
Have them invite outsiders to the group to see what's going on, and use it to gain new signups into the team.
Facebook seems now to be the most common used social media, so it may be the best place for a group to exist.
The Overall Culture
A lot of retention comes from the overall culture of the team.
I mentioned some ideas to help build a culture among your team.
People need to feel welcomed and loved, plus wanted and needed.
If you make people feel good about being in the group, they will actually stay even if they never get a single customer.
I've seen many people over the years hang around, only because they love the culture and being part of the team.
Build this among your team, and build a huge income for yourself.
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