Free Tiny Utility Tote!!!
Who would like a FREE Tiny Utility Tote????
--Must be in Canada
--Musy be willing to enroll for $1
Join Me Here:
This is a special only offered through me. Thirty-One Gifts rewards you when you hit milestones but so do I!!! I want you to succeed as a person not just in this business. Your personal growth and our friendship is more important than your success.
My offer is only good till the end of April. Dollar enrollments are available till the end of May. I love Thirty-One Gifts as there are less than 5000 active consultants in Canada. So much amazing room for growth.
With recent events, what better time to expand into another business than right now. It doesn't hut to give it a whirl!!! There is absolutely no risk to you whatsoever.
Don't want to join? No problem!!!
Host an online party and get a free tiny utility tote. Both options you choose the print. Direct sales companies need to support each other more than ever.
I would love to like your page, join a group, and swap ideas. Community as people is so important. I signed up the discount. I never imagined I would be growing this into something more. I never hard sell. This is so much fun and a great way to turn lemons into lemonade. Grow. Grow. Grow.
Personaly. Professionally. The time is now. SNAG a free tote for a dollar now. Share with friends and family. So many possibilities.
I rise everyday wondering how I can help mankind and this is it. Right here. Right now. Lets not let another minute go to waste.
Join here and now:
A new adventure awaits. A new community of positive women await. Act now. I am here for you. Message me today for more info.
Interested in Canadian events? Interested in networking? Connect with me today.
This offer is through me only. There are also some awesome kits available for 50% off product. Best bang for your money.
Interested in book clubs? I have that too. Our professional growth options are endless. I can't wait for you to join me in this adventure. Do not delay. Questions? Please message me and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Don't let the troubles of today determine your future tomorrow. Take charge of your life. Have Courage. Be Kind. Faith Over Fear.
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