Hey Buddies,
Are you a Christian, and if you are do you know the office of the Holy Spirit and what goes on there. This offer is not an MLM but a great revelation of 26 years of reading research and divine inspiration. I was called by the Lord in 1990 January and the Lord God Almighty commissioned me to read the whole bible in each and do research about divine calling and ministry over the centuries. This is the result of theses books that I am coming out with. They are great books containing divine mysteries and revelations by which a Christian can be well empowered to continue serving God and enjoying the fellowship of the Holy Ghost to a greater degree.
The unique revelation here is that, the Trinity has distinct offices and administrations. In the office of the Father, He has elected 24 around His throne,. In the office of Jesus, He appointed the 12 Apostles as His ministers. So this book is talking about The Seven Executive spirit beings the Holy Spirit appointed and came down with when He took over from Jesus Christ. So that when we are in a church, the Holy Spirit is sitting on His throne because He is the King and it is these His seven executive Spirits He mandates to minister us in His name. The Holy Spirit is not our laborer, be informed to transform your knowledge and understanding in this regard. Sometimes, some people will pop up especially these Sabbath day church. Why is this Christians worshiping on Sundays, they are to worship on Saturdays. Do you have enough proof to refute their allegations and clear your conscience from guiltiness? The second book you will encounter is The Throne of The Holy Spirit. Can you proof the kingship of the Holy Spirit? Where exactly is His throne located in the whole bible? What about the kingship of Jesus Christ and where in the bible He sat upon His throne to validate His kingship?
Have you ever read the whole bible before, and why not. On my website, you a get formula for reading the whole bible easily in 3 to 6 months each free. There is also a book on why read the whole bible. The greatest and most important revelation is; the Word is the food for your spirit man so you have to eat if you want to grow spiritually as a child of God. Anytime we are praying, our spirit man is drinking divine water and anytime we are reading the word of God, our spirit man is eating divine food. You as a child of God should also read the whole bible because Satan has already read the bible several times and he knows every part of the word. The document was written for you and not for Satan, so why don't read your document and know the totality of provisions available to you?
The devil knows that when you drink water and you don't eat, you will never grow but eventually you will die without anybody killing you. So when you are praying, he will not oppose you, but when you start reading the bible, he will oppose and resist you from all corners including trying to make you sleep whiles you have no naturla intention to.
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