10 Secret Tips On Getting Thousands For Your Business
Greetings & Happy New Year...
2020 is here, since January is always a slower month,
I'm going to follow through on some of the most common clients' requests
for advice from 2019.
The most asked question is:
"How can I, (a business owner) get the very largest funding amount?",
as "usual" lenders offer just 50% of their monthly deposit
amount,max...even less if issues exist.
Here are the 10 secret tips:
1) It seems simple and obvious, but it's shocking how many business owners aren't aware of this
crucial fact:
Have a Business Checking Account with a "brick and mortar" bank...
(Chase, Wells, BofA, US Bank, etc). ..with online banking
and "paperless statements"...a POWERFUL little known secret!
2) Avoid negative days like the plague. The single most abused thing we see.
You have up until 5pm each business day to put cash in there, if you fall negative.
Don't skip monitoring your account nor doing this!
3) Avoid NSFs like the plague. If you get a check from a dubious source, don't depend on it
to cover your payouts...if at all possible.
4) Keep your credit score as high as possible.
No-- you don't need to buy "credit counseling".
Just pay down debt to 10 to 30% of credit card limits and always be current on all your bills.
It's that simple.
5) Incorporate if possible. Corps are given rates as low as 4.99%.
6) Keep your paperwork in order, and handy as pdfs.
Articles of INC, Tax Returns, Invoices, AR Reports, AP Reports, Balance Sheets.
Keep them all handy in pdf files on your computer
7) Have ONE Business Checking Account. NEVER MORE.
I hate to say it but some folks ruin their business due to lack of funding because they
have more than one account. We see it over and over...pure stupidity...sorry!
If managing just one it gets too tough, hire an accountant if you must,
or use a Personal account as the bill payer, if you must, but ALWAYS physically deposit into the
Business Account first, never transfer to it, only out of it.
8) Deposit frequently and regular amounts. Try to avoid having less than 20 deposits a month.
never less than 5...even if you have to withdraw, then deposit again over 3 days all split up
to suggest "A BUSY business".
9) Keep a high ADB (Average Daily Balance.) Do not drain your account at the end of the month.
Doing so make you look shady and /or failing to lenders.
10) Don't ruin your credit with "Inquiries"
Simply use the top Loan Broker in America.
At A1 Loans USA we have over 900 lenders all in one place so you won't ruin your credit through
"Inquiries" going all over the place, not to mention wasting your time.
We have a proprietary software system in place that gets your best offer from all 900
with never more than 3 soft pulls!
Also...We specialize in "Business Funding" -- nothing else--
like many of those "TV Lenders" are--(mortgages, etc)
So we are laser focused on getting you the most dollars
and best rate and terms, so you can get your business to the next level
We offer FREE HELP to all US & Canada Business owners, if you have any question,
please always feel free to give us a call with out obligation.
Best Regards,
Mark Ayers
A1 Financial USA
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