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My whole business story from the beginning up until the February 2020

My name is Jan Vlcek, and i was born in January of the year 2000, which currently makes me 20 years old - unless you are reading this in the distant future.

My story began in a small city, located in Czech Republic, called Opava and i had quite a regular childhood, until i have reached 6 years of age. which in most countriies, including mine equals the age, that you begin attending elementary school.

Ever since i have started going to school and absorbing the "conventional" knowledge, i knew, that i wanted to get more from life. Because, what do you think that conventional knowledge is trying to teach us? Let me answer that for you quickly and simply.

It teaches you how to be a robot, working a 9-5, coming home late every single work day and only having time on weekends, which you most likely spend on partying and family moments anyway - not really having any time for yourself and your personal development.

Now don't get me wrong, if you work a 9-5, i have absolutely nothing against you and your decision, and especially if you are happy with what you do every single day - then i'm happy for you. But surveys have shown, that 85% of people hate their job. These are real numbers, and i think we can all relate.

In my case, I knew from the start, that this way wasn't for me, and that I wanted something more while I'm young, not when I'm retired. I saw too many success stories from young people to feel convinced that I was going to be the next one to claim my success.

I began by trying to venture into the world of crowd funding by introducing some of my own ideas of gadgets and so on. I've made a business plan, 3D models, high quality renderings, all the graphics and even a solid presentation video and then...


After all the preparation, sleepless nights, blood and sweat put into the launch, it failed. For one simple reason, actually. I don't know why, but i have thought, that the crowdfunding platforms themselves are going to make sure, that there are enough eyeballs on my offer to make it successful. Oh boy, was i wrong. Keep in mind, that i was only 15-16 years old, so i had no idea about online marketing at that time, and that's okay, because i took one important lesson from this failure.

Lesson, that if you don't determine an audience, if you don't put enough content in front of them, make them like you, trust you and in the case of affiliate marketing, make them aspire to be like you, or to work with you, plus making sure, that your audience matches your offer/product, and that your offer can in some type of way help them, educate them, and overall help them advance in their life and business.

This is why you need to determine your ultimate audience first, and make sure, that you are in front of these people regularly, sharing value, tips and helping them as much as possible. After you provide value and help people, in their mind it creates a subconscious bond with you, which makes them desire repaying you the favor somehow. This is the principle of value ladder, where the more value you provide, the more you get back.If you genuinely help people for free, they start to wonder, what your paid help/product/offer looks like, if you are able to give them so much value for free, and they WILL buy from you.

I have figured, that for successful crowd funding campaigns, I would be needing a very high budget, which I didn't have at the time, and had no means of getting, or even risking such money without no guaranteed return. This made me try E-Commerce , since dropshipping was the new big thing back then.

And it worked for me. I built my own website, selling useful and problem solving gadgets, and started making sales using Facebook ads, and finally started seeing some sort of success and positive return on my money.

But you see, the problem with this type of business model, you are usually selling low-priced products, which means you have to sells large quantities in order to make good profits from it, and the quality of cheap Chinese products also isn't always the greatest, resulting in many refund and exchange requests from my customers, making me lose even more money from my hard-earned profits.

E-Commerce/dropshipping were definitely working for me, and it could work for you, since once i even surpassed the $100k per month milestone - in revenue, which is exactly the problem. The figures you see on Shopify dashboards from all these "gurus" are all revenue, without the money they had to spend on advertising without any guaranteed results, cost that they have to purchase their products for, salaries for their customer support team, money lost on refunds and chargebacks and others. The other major flaw of E-Commerce is, that your payment processors usually hold your revenue for a certain amount of time, usually around a week, which means you could make big, profitable sales one day, but find yourself not having enough funds to keep running the ads, or even fulfill the orders - making your customers angry and earning yourself some refunds due the lack of tracking numbers.

I was searching for something easier, where i don't have to consistently risk my money, hoping that i will make the return i need, and then expecting that return to get even smaller - as the refunds and order cancels come in. This is the point where i started to slowly dive into the world of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing, in case you don't know, is a business model, where you promote other people's/company's products of offers - meaning, that you don't need to handle customers support, refunds, order fulfillment or any after-sale services - Sounded sweet, i was sold!

However, there are also few bad sides to affiliate marketing that nobody talks about, just like with E-Commerce. For example, many affiliate companies won't pay out your commission until you reach a certain amount in sales in a certain amount of time, and when they pay, it's usually only on a fixed date, once per month. And some companies just won't pay you at all. 

I'm sure, that you often see people spamming their affiliate links into comments, chat groups or elsewhere, expecting, that they will make sales. 

Also, friends and family approaching you with their "newest and guaranteed" business opportunity that will change your life. Does this sound familiar?

Of course it does, because this is how 99% of people try to "win" in affiliate marketing, and there are heaps of them, so most likely you've already encountered at least one - and let me tell you, they're failing miserably. Why would you ever buy something off someone, or join their team, if all they did was making your experience annoying, giving you 0 value, while just trying to earn their commission off you?

Some people also say, that the only way to make big and consistent money in affiliate marketing is through paid ads and funnels - COMPLETE BS.

This may work for low ticket offers, weeks of email marketing, retargeting and follow-ups, which might then result in a big, high-ticket sale.

But again, is that instant money? No.

Without any extra costs? Absolutely not, because you have to invest your own savings into your advertising costs.

Do people that decide to purchase from your get a chance to work with you directly, have access to you 24/7 and possibly join your team? Probably not.

Let me tell you, the world of online money-making isn't as easy as you might think, but don't worry, it also isn't as hard as you think, and when you find the sweetspot, which might take some time, your life is going to change forever.

I've been searching for good affiliate company for the past few years, made some low ticket sales and considered giving up, because i figured that there would be better use of my time and money, but then, something happened.

I have made a friend in Dubai, which just like me, comes from Europe, from a country where the average monthly wage doesn't exceed $1000/month, so you can understand, that i could easily relate to him and his situation. We've been networking for a while, getting to know each other, and after few days of seeing his Facebook profile, which was full of engagement and people that admire him, i have asked him: "Hey Man, so since you live in Dubai, what do you do for a living?"

He introduced me to his way of making money in the affiliate space, which he does with nothing, but his Facebook profile, group and sharing value with other people - Which was absolutely mind-blowing to me.

I've asked him, what's the commission, and i almost couldn't believe. $1000 for every single sale you make. I was very skeptical, naturally. Usually, companies with such high paying programs are nothing but a SCAM, as i've experienced before. I've asked him, how long does it take to actually get the commission to your bank account? - Payouts are instant through PayPal, Wire transfer, or Bitcoin.

I was so happy and in my head, i said "this is all i've been looking for", but of course, i wasn't convinced yet. Actually, i was far from convinced, because i have burnt myself many times in the past. Both with such people, and companies, promising results like these.

So i've jumped on a call with him, his mentors in this (Which are two million dollar earners in this industry with literal decades of experience), where they have not only shared their results with me, but also some theory and bits of their expertise, which is always appreciated, and shows you, that the person actually knows what they're talking about. I knew it, because like i said before, i was in this industry for a long time already, however, only making low-ticket sales, nothing even remotely near to $1000 comissions.

Weeks after all of this, and continuing to see their content, engagement and success stories, i have decided to jump in, paid to entry fee and jumped right into the trainings. I have to say, that at first, everything has seemed so simple, yet it was some of the most valuable, but also relatable stuff i've ever heard.

Unlike most courses or masterclasses, this has been a life-changing experience. It has shaped me in a way how i present myself, how i talk to people, and how i help the world. It has helped me to really decide on what i really want in life, and to stay laser-focused on that goal, while building my high-ticket business.

I have started to provide value and help people like never before, because i've found out, that when you share something for free - it comes back 10 times! And let me tell you, it didn't take me long to earn my very first $1000 comission, mainly due to the time and dedication that i have put in. It only took about 9 days in total from the day that i've started implementing the strategies, and i felt completely blessed! 

"This thing is working!" I have said. And why wouldn't it, when my mentors have been using the same strategies for years, earning millions in commissions and entering top position on company leaderboards all across the affiliate marketing scene.

The only flaw i saw about this program, was the lack of individuality. You get all the knowledge and strategies, plus some practical applications of them, but it wasn't the complete package. It wasn't - We take you from $0 - $10 000 and we will hold your hand while we do so.

So, there was still some type of learning curve, that in my eyes was completely unnecessary.

I've decided to estabilish my own team full of dedicated students, that are going through the same training that i went through, but with the difference of getting full support and mentorship directly from me at no extra cost.

Simply join through me, learn life-changing skills from my mentors, and receive full mentorship package from me, which will help you with seamless implementation, and actually making money as soon as possible with your newfound knowledge.

It's a win-win situation, that is making us all some very good money.

So that's where i'm standing right now, and it's only the start to our adventures. I'm building up my team of winners, which is more like a family. We hustle together every single day, and we even plan to travel the world, and launching some projects that will positively impact people and our earth in the future.

I would love for you guys to shoot me a message, and have a nice and meaningful conversation with me!

This article was published on 20.02.2020 by Jan Vlcek
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