Are You Looking For A Handy Way To Recruit, Train, And Contact Your Prospects?
We have developed a proven system for YOU to use to introduce your MLM program to YOUR prospects...
Customized specially for your program, for your whole down-line to access Directly from their Smart Phone,
that their prospects can immediately access from THEIR Smart Phone, and tap straight through to your Website/Sales Page to join Immediately!
With a built in Back Office, where your reps can access all their stats, and send immediate Notifications to All,
or Any of their down-line or prospects... to Notify them of a Special Deal, Announce a Training Call/Event, or
just to keep in touch or jog their memory.....
Check it out Here..... Click Here
This technology has been proven and tested, and approved for distribution through App stores etc, and is NOW available to be customized for YOUR program.
Whether you are promoting Vitamins, TravelPlans, Bitcoins, or Cosmetics (or Any other MLM/Direct Marketing program). This can be utilized Company wide, or just for your own down-line or Power Group....
This is the Marketing edge you have been looking for.
At a very reasonable cost... (your reps will pay less than US$20.00 per month).... this could be a compulsory Marketing Tool for each rep, or something you offer for the Big Hitters... the ones who want to fast-track their network to $$$$
Please contact us today to get YOUR program set up, before everyone else hears about this.... and gets the jump on you!
All enquiries to will be treated in strict confidence.
This is the Marketing edge you have been looking for.
Developed with some of the best known names in Internet Marketing/Direct Marketing this is developed within the industry, for the industry and backed up by a proven system complete with customer service/ backup service, and set up Safe and Secure for YOUR program.
This has not been offered to Any other Network Marketing program before, although the same system works
successfully in another form, Your Program can be THE ONE to get ahead of the pack!
Check it out Here..... Click Here
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