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100 Leads in 24 Hours - Request Your FREE Guide

Recently I became self-employed in my own online internet business in the Personal Development industry. I was paying for advertising and wanted to learn how to generate leads for free.

I was lucky enough to discover a system that helped me to generate over 100 leads in 24 hours.

Initially I was blindly posting my links in working from home and product related Facebook groups, peoples profiles and fan pages only to be ignored and rejected….

I was an expert in my field, just not in social marketing! I needed others to see me as the leader I am.

Now I ATTRACT people to me and my business. I get more leads, make more sales and earn more profit without chasing, pestering or bugging…

So here is the Blueprint to give you an idea…

Forget posting ads in Spammy “Work From Home” Groups - the problem with these groups is people have a drop their link and run mindset. These groups have very little if any engagement.

Stop ‘Shouting’ about your network marketing company and products on Facebook everyday - people hate to be ‘sold’

Stop promoting your network marketing company & products first - learn how to attract customers to you with value posts.

Avoid private messaging your products, services or business link to random group members - never do this unless it has been requested.

Leverage the power of ‘Promo Days’ in quality Facebook groups - have you heard of these? These are special days where you get to promote yourself, your business and your products & services.

Set up your own Facebook Group to attract more leads, make more sales and earn more profit - this is where the secret lies, get your copy of the Free Guide to learn more.

Attract leads, never push… this is attraction marketing

If you would like to receive your "Free 7 Steps to Get More Qualified Network Marketing Leads From Facebook Groups Guide" then connect with me.

Send me a message on Facebook

And say the following…. ‘I saw your artilce on MLM Gateway and I would like to get my free copy of ‘7 Steps to Get More Qualified Network Marketing Leads From Facebook Groups Guide’

As an added bonus when you connect with me I can give you a list of Top 50 list or Promo Day Facebook Groups I use to get better quality leads.

I used to make all of these mistakes and was lucky if I attracted any leads. Now I have a growing Facebook Group, great interaction and generating new business leads daily.

This article was published on 20.09.2018 by Melissa Armitage
Author's business opportunity:

Freedom Thinker - 100 Leads in 24hr, Free to join

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