Work From Home! No selling Involved!!
Hi everyone! I am a mom of 2 and I started working from home with this amazing company is March. I used to work for a dermatologist local in my area and they cut my hours due to the pandemic. I have never been in this kind of industry at all. I was skeptical at first and thought it was too good to be true. I decided to give it a try because I needed some more income coming in. Within my first 2 weeks, I double advanced in the business and my first paycheck was $150 more than my office job in 2 weeks. Within 35 days I advanced again!! I decided to quit my job in May and do this full time. Reason why I love this company so much is because I'm able to be with my family and contribute to the household income. I have the flexibility and freedom, I don't have to request time off or use vacation time to take my kids to their appointments. And best of all, I'm able to create a income for a lifetime not lunchtime, and can pass my business down to my kids!!!
With that being said, I am looking for like minded professionals who are coachable and willing to work. What I do is shop and schedule appointments from my phone. Yes it's that simple! There's no selling, no inventory, no begging customers to make a purchase, and NO RISK!! This company has been in business since 1985 and is triple A+ rated by the BBB. The first company to go green 35 years ago, first essential oils company, and the only one of it's kind. They have P&G, Johnson and Johnson and Palmolive beat in value and retention rate! Over 2 Billion in Annual Sales! All products are eco-friendly, biodegradable, safer for your home and better for the environment!! Safe around pets and kids! And I can contest to that because my 3 year old daughter got into their disinfectant. Which is the first ever all natural disinfectant registered by the EPA!! I can go on and on! I would love to show you more about it if your interested! I am a busy mom and I'm not looking to waste my or your time. If your serious on changing your future financially, please reach out to me. Thank you.
This is for residents in USA or Canada only!
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