Having control of your life, watching your kids and be there every step they take & making money at the same time at own pace, Humbles me..
Im Ndumiso Tyalimpi a happly married man i have join Forever living Business last year 2018 March cause when i heard about it i did my research i found out the business its been around for 40years. I immediately served my 30 day notice and resigned cause i believed in my self..
The reason why a join the business i wanted to spend time with my fimaly cause i have four kid's and my wife could cope alone at the house cause i was always at work ,i was a sales manager my job was ti make sure my club reach the target so i had to chase the target every month's,every day whether its a weekend or not i will be gone from 7am till 8pm everyday with my team.
I need a change, so i can be there for my lovely family emotional, physical and financial.
Then heard by a friend about orever living marketing business plan, it was too good to be true cause it was the same thing i had been doin at work but the beauty is i will be my own boss and i will be geting 35% retail profit of the sale i make .
I was so happy cause i will be working at my own time and by bringing a new person to my business im getting one thousand straight to my account within ten day's and a percent on what ever case credit they get i get.
The beauty about my business its a uncap and wilable income so no matter what can happen to me my kids are safe financial..
Plus i get to travel twice a year for free and go any where in the world and come back with cheque..
The fantastic part is our product they all aloe based and people loving them they do wonders .my cousin has a child now she use one of our product Aloe Berry Nectar cause she couldn't conceive and they been trying for 6 years now they have a baby girl "im so proud" thanks to Aloe Berry Nectar .
At my house we use Forever living product from toothgel, drinks and perfume..
Currently im a Supervisor hading to a manager level very soon and i have enough time with my family.
Thank you Forever living for giving me a second chance in life#WilableIncome
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