Do you need a side gig or a plan “B”?
Hi! My name is Carol Ingram and I live in central Illinois. My main career was a hospital nurse for over 25 years, but always looking for another plan “B” that wouldn’t have me working nights, weekends, holidays, taking me away from my family. I wanted to work at home, or wherever I was, plus no income cap and in the hours I could choose, plus being part of a team/community.
When I found Rodan+Fields, it met all of those requirements and more. I was impressed with the fact that it was the Proactiv doctors new business, that it used multi med therapy to change people’s skin, and that they were bringing dermatology to the masses. Their goal was to deal with the common problems that people would spend lots of money and time visiting a dermatologist. These included acne, sensitivity (rosacea, psoriasis, rashes and eczema’s) plus anti aging therapy and reversing those signs including brown spots, wrinkles and sun damage. The company had started in high end department stores, but realized their best marketing was word of mouth by happy customers and soon moved into direct selling or mlm business model.
I’ve been in this company six years and have watched this company soar in sales and become the #1 anti aging company in North America, plus now in acne as well. I have learned so much and have been thrilled with the company’s integrity, compensation program, trips, bonuses, and car program. I have come to understand the power of leveraging a team (when you can’t work for personal reasons you’re still making money from your direct team working), the power of community, meeting new friends, attending conventions and retreats, the training and teaching you can receive and give which is so rewarding.
I have found this to be the perfect job for me as I head into retirement, it does not require carrying inventory or mandatory parties, it is an e-commerce business and delivers products to customers, plus gives us a great marketing platform.
Do you have or need a plan “B”? No matter where you are in life a side gig is so important. Whether you’re tired of the rat race, saving for college, needing a new car, wanting a vacation, or (like me) looking at retirement, these products have changed my life (had so many sun spots) by reversing the aging process, plus giving me a significant income for my future. I would love to show you how easy it is, working when and where you want, all from your phone! And what I’ve found is that when you help people get what they want, you in return get what you want, my most valuable lesson so far! If you would like more information to see if this is a fit for you please message me!No comments yet